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Hey folks! So I've been thinking a lot about what to do with the $20 tier here. It's been "under construction" for a long time, and I feel like I owe the people who pledged at that level more than just an "I'll figure it out eventually". I've also been noticing that very few of the $10 patrons have been taking me up on the offer of featuring their creative projects, so I think it'd be best to revamp that tier too. (For the record: I'll keep displaying the links that I currently have, I just want to get something more real there for people who don't have a band or channel they want me to link to.)

So what I've come up with is this: An Elephant of the Month Club! The way it works is simple: $10 Patrons are Online Members, and each month I'll post a picture of a custom, hand-drawn elephant along with a description. It's a bit of lighthearted fun, and I'll also include a link to a high-quality picture for your personal, non-commercial use, so if you want to print it out and hang it on your wall, or make it your cell phone background or computer wallpaper, that's cool.

$20 patrons are to be Full Members, which means that in addition to the online post, I'll mail you an actual, physical hand-drawn elephant. Every month. It'll be the same design as the posted one, but each one will be drawn personally. Again, yours to use for whatever personal, non-commercial use you want.

So what does that mean for you? Well, if you're under the $10 tier, it doesn't affect you in any way, but I wanted to let y'all know in case anyone wanted to sign up. If you're at $10, all you have to do is watch this page: I intend to release them on the Monday after the second weekend of each month, although that may fluctuate a bit month-to-month.

If you're at $20 and want to receive the actual, physical drawings, though, I need a mailing address, so to facilitate that, please fill out this form: https://goo.gl/forms/uPrb1qZeuZKvYWJz1 If I don't have an address for you by the 5th of the month, I can't guarantee that I'll be able to send you that month's elephant. Also, for now, I think I probably have to limit this to U.S. addresses only, 'cause I don't know how international shipping works. If you're outside the U.S., though, feel free to put your address in anyway and I'll look into whether I can make shipping to you work.



in which option I can propose song to analize?


Any level works for that! Just send us a message or leave a post with your suggestion and I'll look into it!


For international mailing, if it's a first class envelope it's two regular stamps plus 21¢. I send rather regular correspondence to Canada from MA.