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That guy has gotta be a spy


Parkinson's Disease | PHARMACIST Reacts to Doctor Elise Episode 6 (UNCUT VERSION)

Vidyard video



Then we have the wager. I don't think she is going to agree to cancel it. The exam and her coming-of-age is too soon to play around with possible other ways to get there plot-wise. The only think I can imagine is that Elise does something consequential medically for the good of the nation, in public. Possibilities are to solve a disease or epidemic (like Pharma did). She's more a surgeon, that might not be how they handle it. Maybe invent a new surgical technique that can help many people, quickly and obviously? It could be a medical treatment or drug, but that is less likely. Maybe the top doctors can vouch for her accomplishments up to now, but she probably needs to add to the pile. Linden could speak for her but he's being pretty undercover about his activities. Maybe she helps the old relative with Parkinson's related to the Emperor in front of him and other witnesses. It could be as simple as the Heimlich Maneuver. There might be some therapies she can suggest to help swallowing problems. There might be a surgery. Note I am not suggesting direct treatment for the disease, just the symptoms. She's not a pharmacist so she might not know the chemical structure of Levodopa. Maybe she knows where to obtain it in the natural world, but I don't know if that's possible. Anyway, I am looking forward to how she solves this.


That black-haired dude. I don't think he's disloyal to the Emperor or the Empire. He seems to want Elise to be Empress at least partly because she prevented that military debacle down in the peninsula. He seems to think she will help the Empire, to heck with her personal wishes.