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Lise being Sylphie's grandma was so amazing!


WEDDING RECEPTION! Mushoku Tensei II Episode 14 Reaction! (UNCUT VERSION)

Vidyard video



Thanks, lets go ! if I werent attuned with this series' tone atp Iwould be really happy. I am an anime only but such good moments always leave me very very SCARED.


"it was very funny to look at." indeed XDDD you Zach REALLY embody Rudy's mentality imho ^^ ofc Rudy is a character that was thrown through the worst future of himself in his og life lmao ( always could v been worse ofc BUT that would just be hell, not a future lol). and Zach, given what a genius you are imho you could end up just as op as Rudy, potential wise you seem comparable. then again there is no magic in our world. too bad. sorry for so much bullshit your way man, I just woken up. You are the best guy to watch this with imho. gg ( honestly you remind me of my two goats, Urahara and Rudy, good job man hahahah, or should I co gratilate your parents ? Lmao )


Nanahoshi like (roughly) "be grateful I came." Rudy "we have chips." "SAY NO MORE." 😂😂😂💀 and Badi was probably waiting behind that wall LMAO 😂