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Download video here & here! 

WHOOO! Enjoy! 🎃

P.S. Tommorrow Halloween NU Special, and Early access for the next video :-*


(No title)



Hope the NU special involves some good butt massage scenes. The content has been pretty lacking lately. I don't want to leave but the butt massage scenes were the reason I joined and they're so rare these days. :(


same here I am leaving as well. This is not what I joined for




I, and others too have already unsubscribed. We still check on things to see if there will be improvements. This is one of those sites that has everything already in place for some really cool videos, but the producers, for some reason, just won't produce it. I hope they realise that many of us are actually willing to pay for a higher tier for more, great content. Please, make it happen.


Nice but way too much clothes !!!!!!!


And again, it's people like you who are holding these channels back. Well, I guess you NU haters and those who believe these are real ASMR massages will get what you want.


They produce what they want and what they feel comfortable with. They aren't machines who will do what *you* want for more money. The wide world is full of other choices if you don't like it.


To be honest, I'm glad I'll be leaving here at the end of the month. I'm sure that'll please alot of people. It's just not worth it anymore. I now realise that most people here don't enjoy nude women and think nudity is a bad thing. I really don't understand that viewpoint on an adult channel. If people just want boring ASMR content, then that's fine, it's your money to spend as you please. I'm not going to call anyone out for it, we all have different opinions. Maybe I was mistaken into thinking nudity was a part of things here. I mean, believe it or not, they do produce nude content. All some of us want is to see more of what they've already enticed us with. Nothing wrong with wanting improvements or new ideas.


I don't understand what anyone is whining about. They have always put out a new nude video every Saturday. Other than that you get YT videos with no ads, including those that are extended/uncut. If that doesn't work for you, then unsubscribe.


they just want porn. they think that nude massage must equal pure porn with no actual massage technique just pure erotic touching. it's the same reason there are people on both this and lady barbers demanding the certain masseuses do nude. They also are prob the types that think sex workers have to do whatever they say just cause they gave a little money....

Baby Rob

Interesting discussion. But, yes, the issue really comes down to what people are here for relative to what the folks here are producing. This site has experimented with Incorporating nudity into its format, presumably in part to remain competitive in a growing ASMR market, as ludicrous and counter to the intent of ASMR as that may seem. Massaging breasts or butts per se is not central to ASMR but it can be a natural part of the setting, which is what I think these folks strive to do. If the breasts and butts become the focal point (boners ahoy!), then the whole intent is being missed. A lot of work went into just making the set and costumes for this video and the execution was great, as usual. Anna comes across as a gentle, beautiful soul with amazing massage technique to create both the visual and aural effects so central to the intent of ASMR. ASMR is all about serenity, relaxation, just being a feeling human. I am going to become a full patron to offset those that are choosing to leave (farewell!) and help continue to support this amazing cadre of folks making these productions. I hope others will do the same!

Baby Rob

By the way, Happy Halloween all of you ASMRers! It is both a fun and cozy time of year. It is interesting - and sad, in a way - how the very American version of the Halloween has spread across the world (and I say that as an American). Hopefully the local traditions associated with “All Hallow's Eve” are still intact, too. As Joseph Campbell said, we have to have our rituals to keep a sense of who we are in the Universe. So true!

J Vin

This is not a porn site. If that’s what you want then unsubscribe and move on. The girls also have to operate within Patreon rules which I believe are pretty strict.