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Hi everyone! 

We want to try new format: Questions and Answers from Taya! Here you can post your questions in comments, and Taya will answer in video. 

Let's give her the floor:


My name's Taya Love. I'm a Tantra therapist and explorer.  Which means that I enjoy helping people to bring their mental and physical health in order, to increase their sensuality and consciousness about the fine structure of their bodies (energy, desires, mental blocks etc), to reach their inner Self, to practice meditation and mind stop. These all creates my own Practice thus every session I give is intuitive and unique.

I realized that I was into massage over 10 years ago, when I was in Thailand and fell in love with this colourful and friendly country thanks to the warm and caressing hands of Thai masseurs. That's where I took my first massage courses. 

Shortly after I got a job in Florida, the USA. And I had an amazing love affair with a captain, who was a lot older than me. So for about a year I was giving him love massage for hours almost every day. That's when I discovered that Massage could be a Love Language. And that's what many of you sense in my videos: I really open up my heart to every Body that comes to me. And I feel like I become a Love conductor of the Universe, letting all the Love and caress to the person flow through me🥰💃🎉.   I like to get acquainted with a Body this way! I listen carefully to it's signals and to my own reactions: my hands move as if magnetic to the parts where tension or pain is. The reactions of the body (shivers, twitches, sounds) thrill and excite me. And I melt when I see how relaxed and mellow the Body gets in my hands in a while 🤗🙏❤️

I totally get into Present moment. It becomes our mutual tactile Meditation and I look out for your best interests.

I'm so grateful and glad that you enjoy my videos and share this sweet trans we get in to))) Coz trans - is the way our brain relaxes, making space for peace and wisedom.

I'm looking forward to your questions! 🤗❤️🥰🙏🎉

Much Love!




Brian J. Parker

Were you familiar with ASMR before you started doing these recorded massages? Do you change the kind of massage you do because of the ASMR aspect?


I love your work, Taya. Amazing and loving and also primal. Is there a network of practitioners who do this type of work? I would love to experience this mode of healing.


Thank you very much for sharing your expertise, Taya. My question is related to the tantric experience inasmuch as I have noticed that the relationship between the person receiving the massage is one of relaxation and why not rejuvenation as in it seems to me that people get energised but I also see the arousal side of things. So: is it that through touch you're empowering the body of the recipient to become an erogenous zone? And if so would that mean that some clients, models experience an orgasm or a deep state of bliss?


What size do your feet have Taya?

Mirco Wissel

Hey Taya, i'm dealing with anxiety for a long time now and i was wondering if you could help me with that in private video sessions? And how can i book them?😊 Greetings with love, Mirco❤️


How do you express yourself so confidently sexually? As I woman myself I find that I let my body insecurities get the better of me and shut down during most intimate moments!

jonathan tullock

Have you ever had a client you just could not connect with as hard as you tried? In other words have any massages you have given been less than blissful?


Hi Taya, Love your vibes and energy for ASMR. What do you think of tickle therapy and the use of similar light touch/laughter for relaxation. Are you ticklish yourself?? Thank you.


Hi Taya, why is it that you have one large breasted model and unlike every other model on here, She doesn't get her breasts rubbed down with oil? she's literally the only reason I signed up, and as soon as I realized the bait-and-switch you guys dishonestly pulled, I cancelled my membership because I really don't have any interest in petite models getting rubbed down. In fact, if anything, chubby girls would be nice cause they got it all. Why would you lie to us? it's the money, right?


Miss Lace , Please never let insecurities inhibit your confidence to be appreciated . Don't let society give the impression that we all need to be perfect. I am most confident that you have so much good to offer. Just relax and enjoy the moment and know that whomever you are experiencing it with will be enjoying it just the same. Give the same pleasure that you you are expecting to receive, and I'm sure a great time will be had by both parties involved .

Derek Murray

Hello beautiful Taya! I've been obsessed with you since the first time I saw you on this website! You are one of a kind and definitely my favorite featured masseuse! The way you combine massage and your beautiful voice with asmr and meditation is just divine! I guess if I had one question for you it would be "Could you massage ME next???!!! Hope you will continue to make content for a long long time. You can bet I'll never miss a video!!! Much love and peace! - Derek


Are you doing any full nude videos?


In the last video: Full Body Youga Massage By Taya (NU) Part 2. There was a moment that was on my mind for hours. 29:13. Where you re-dressed as quickly and as privately as possible, it seemed to me at least. Can you talk a little about what you were thinking/feeling in that moment? In your videos the focused sensual energy you bring is so palpable, that any deviation stands out - especially in a moment I was anticipating so much.


Bruh the comments

Bean Bag Brovologne

Where do you live currently? Do you have your own massage studio?


My question since nobody has asked yet, where from originally, and how many languages you speak ?


What is it like doing massage on camera? Does that “performance” aspect of the interaction make it harder for you to kind of lose yourself in the session?


Hi Taya! What do you look for in a client’s mental state so you can address what they may need (i.e. to get into trans) for best results of a session?


When you make and talk in a video is it scripted? The 1st NU Yoga video towards the end when the model ask for more skin to skin contact, you looked surprised.

Jarrod Brecht

What part of Florida did you live? I'm from Fort Lauderdale in S. Florida on East Coast. How long were you there? Do you miss having warm weather year around?


Blogan can go to hell, I purchased a service and I wanted simple answer. He must be some kind of moderator or something because I can't reply to his comments. So he/she knows that not answering the question is the problem. Clearly you have no respect for your patrons, can't answer a simple question, use false advertising, and go out of your way to make fun of paying customers asking a question that Everyone is asking. Come on one of these m************ asked for the size of her feet and you're trying to make me look like a creep get the f*** out of here.


What has been your most interesting massage experience?


Hi Taya, may I ask you how young you are? I think it could be interesting for some of us☺️


Do u also feel a bit of relaxation when u give the massage


Хорошие сисечки


Lilsep I messaged them more than a month ago and haven't gotten a reply. And your advice sucks because that model is not on any other website so I can't get what I want on another website. If she didn't want to get naked then she could have joined the website that they don't get naked on but anyone with a brain between their ears would understand what we're going to want after seeing one video with her in it. So it was irresponsible on her part and on the website's part to have a video of her there in the first place, It's not a matter of opinion. Every other girl does nude videos on the site. And when you put a link to your patreon from YouTube saying it is a link to you uncensored video, well that is directly lying. They do that so you will sign up and hope that this girl gets her boobs massaged. Just like every other girl on the website. So I guess just like every other girl with huge tits she's going to get what we all have to pay for, for free and not even have to contribute anything for it.


jesus christ you’re such a child! there’s plenty of models on this patreon that don’t get nude. so clearly none of them have to, only the ones that are comfortable with it. if you have already cancelled your subscription then good, we’re better off without your idiotic complaints


And here we are still not a single person from this website can say one word about this. Which basically proves I'm right they are bait and switching on purpose. No one wants to talk about the bulshit business practices that they're using on YouTube trying to get you over to see something uncensored when it's the same damn video?


I didn't ask you s*** sibo, so take your opinion and go to f****** hell with it. And because they won't give me a simple answer yes I'm going to continue to talk s*** everywhere all over the Internet about these scam artists AND their poor customer service. Don't pretend like you're here to learn how to be a f****** masseuse you're here for the same reason everyone else is so get off your high horse and eat shit.


this is how you talk, no wonder they won’t respond to you. too far up your own ass to show any manners or state your question respectfully.


Another question for Taya, whats your favorite outfit you worn so far on the videos ? I've notice you worn medical scrubs 3 times, the robe from the reiki 2x, the bikini top from Tantra energy , the one from the light yoga massage. Do you choose your outfits to wear on the video or does the company make you wear what they choose like the med scrubs


This dude is having an entire breakdown over $10.

Chad Roberts

Taya, my muscles get really tense in different areas of my body. Sometimes its my head and my neck and other times its my back and other times its my legs. How would you go about taking the tension away so that I don't feel so much pain. Is massage a good way or do I need to do something more?

B - S

So, you're the cuck still paying then. Seems dumb for you to be throwing money down the drain for something you hate so much. You a paypig? Love that FinDom?


There's one obvious way, a simple one word answer. That's it that's all I asked for, it's not my fault all these dick heads started chiming in on something that's not their goddamn business.


I don't even know why I can still message here because I canceled my membership like I said. I'm not supporting people who purposefully mislead their patrons into thinking that they are going to get something that they aren't.


I tried politely. That was more than a month ago. Even my first message on this thread was not bad. And don't try to highroad me you little bitch. Especially while sidestepping the legitimate questions I asked.


Clint, you school shooter looking moron. If you think that's what this is over, you're missing the point. And you're the one wasting your time here, I actually have something to say you are just talking shit to try to look like a good guy. You with your tiny dick so hard at the idea of looking like the hero here, keep missing the point and never addressed my real complaint


Would you demonstrate an Esalen or Hawaiian Lomi Lomi massage?


Have you ever considered starting your own video series?


Your very relaxing.and soothing.great body for this 😁


Do you make housecalls???😀


Hi Taya, I love your video's, my question: what kind of massage oil should I use if I give these kind of massages? What is the best oil to buy? And do you use herbs in the oil? What kind?


Do you still have relations with USA Captain?)


"Hello, does the model from the video from youtube titiled "ASMR upper back massage in real nature by Olga ||| Head, neck, back and shoulder massage no talking" appear in any nude massage videos on your patreon and what level I would have to subscribe to to see that. " what a simple question that deserved a simple answer. and we would have been done a month ago. boy, your customer service is a fucking wreck.


Don't try to put a spin on it they're nude videos not any of that NU bullshit. The point is I want to hear it from them. And don't act like there's a chance she's going to ever be in a nude video she's just not. Her Instagram is on jewelry and if she's done three videos and she hasn't done a nude one she likely just isn't. Like I said she's just there to sell subscriptions based on false hope but I'm not falling for that s***. All of us would love massages but not all of us have a huge tits to get them for free or even get paid for them, as I would imagine she's getting paid for these videos. She could at least do something in return, after all this is a NUDE MASSAGE WEBSITE. That's like walking in to a restaurant having something on the menu that looks amazing compared to everything else, and it's always out like they never have the ingredients or something every time you go there all you can do is just look at it the picture on the menu and think oh God that would be cool to order that but no you can't.


Damn this John kid is having a hard time with No Nut November lmao I can't stop laughing at his comments 😂


And puncake Master, I commented one post and you f****** clowns came in and started commenting on my posts, so I'm not really the one keeping it going am I? And if I don't have a life then what the f*** does that make you? You're constantly commenting back when you say you just want me to stop, and you don't even have anything to say you're just white nighting and like all these other f****** idiots. My initial comment had purpose. The cowards didn't get back to me and are letting their fan base fight on their behalf. Like there's something to f****** fight about in the first place; it was a simple question, put pretty politely.


Congrats hero 👍 I bust a lot of nuts, this is business not pleasure


I'm going to miss JJBJ when his membership runs out. Such a toxic but entertaining person. I have actually enjoyed laughing at how painfully miserable this guy is. imagine dealing with this narcissist in real life.


B-s I'm glad you can admit it, you're just here to blow smoke and try to look like a nice guy


Yes I noticed your flow in your videos and I really realy liked it , I was amazed by your love ❤ give me more


Thanks so much for all your amazing work! Keep it coming please...


I noticed in some videos so far, you hug the model before or during a session, whats the reasoning behind that.


Levi you don't know shit about me, I couldn't give a fuck about sports beer or any of that dumb frat shit. And I don't really know what no nut November has to do with this, although I don't participate. This is a customer service thing, so if you ain't customer service then how about you sit down and shut the fuck up cunt

Chad Roberts

I think you are great. Do you massage males as well as females?


I was thinking of asking her that question like which she does prefer.


Will we ever see you massage a guy on video doing reiki, tantra, etc.

Taya Love

I actually want to make a poll about it! I would looove to show you true Tantra 🤗🙏❤️🥰😘