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Work work! like said before, this chapter will be the end of this story, probably around 40~50 pages. A little spoiler, this end will leave some unfinished plot and continue in the next season.

As always, let's finish it page by page :^)!


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Sorry guys I'm been busy on study some personal life plan (I'm trying to move to other country, Japan, U.S), which takes a lot of brains power so didn't have progress these days... but I have some conclusion now, time to back for work :^P.


yes friend, I noticed your absence since we are used to a few pages every 2 or 3 days it seemed strange to me that so much time passed. But hey, let's hope it was to make the best decision for you.


Ahaha I'm sorry, it's good things for me by the way, I'm so exciting about the plan, however it's huge stuff so might need to consider a long time :^)


Does that mean you're going to be away for a long time? Are you going to leave us without Miria? 😭😱Nooo please no, leave us at least this whole chapter 😬🤤


Haha don't worry, it wont happen so soon, at least half year later I guess, also where ever I go I'll bring my computer with me, can't leave her more than 1 day :^).


it's been weeks without any update.what is happening here Mr P?


Haha yeah, I was researching something really give me a headache, VISA is so hard... but I hope one day I can reveal some good news to you guys!


Thank God you're back!! it was worth the wait, that page 8 is pure gold. We need more!


Seeing and analyzing the reactions on Miria's face, it is really very exciting to see that she resists pleasure, but in the end she falls into lust. It only caught my attention that on page 8 her eyes are blue again, why aren't they pink anymore?


hopefully in the following pages we can see double penetration in uncomfortable positions for her haha


Haha thanks! really little time recently, but I'll try to work when I got time, and try to solve my personal issue quickly :^)


Ah!! now you mention it, I forgot to make the eyes glow :^P, that's just a mistake, I'll fix it later!


hahahaha friend!! I was already thinking about very bizarre theories; is just that I like to look at the pages several times to find details.


It's really exciting to see Miria's face full of semen. I really like that part; On the other hand, I didn't expect Nami to be hanged... excellent by the way. Please torture Miria too, it would be very gratifying to see her submissive expression when receiving punishment. please take it into account friend

Juan Ace

Hopefully nami won't be hanged to death, she is cute girl.


haha no, only what is necessary until she thinks she is going to die. I really liked the expression of terror/surprise on her face, I already grew fond of Nami, I would like to continue seeing how they abuse her, although Miria will always be the favorite.


Rest assure hanging just for fun :^P, and of course Miria will after too!


Now the best comes. You don't know how I look forward to each update! I already want to see Miria hanged

Juan Ace

I love how the crotch tattoo is different, Miria's seems "evolved" because she is more corrupted. Sad though it still covered with her bikini, I want to see the full comparison.

Juan Ace

btw just curious will there be any simple body modification for nami? For example Miria got nipple piercing, I know you said above nami won't get nipple piercing but what about other simple modification?


How good these last 2 pages. Friend, can you tell us what is coming in the next advances? something anal? More torture? Are they going to hang them more? double penetration?


Excellent!! I can't wait for the next update, keep it up my friend!


how wonderful!! how wonderful! I really wanted to see that, and would like to see more on the following pages. I can't wait for the English version anymore, I can only imagine what they are saying haha

Juan Ace

Poor Nami she quickly get corrupted her eyes already pink.


Haha sorry, these part's dialogue is easy to imagine, men saying humiliation words, and girl saying... hentai stuff :^P