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The long-lost horizontal comics is here again~ Though I think that the straight comics is better to perform, but the horizontal has its advantages. Occasionally try a little to see if we can find a more ideal format. 

This series is based on "you" as the point of view, and the narration is added to carry out the story. How do you thinks? Take it as a change of taste maybe :^P. 

Alright, it's time to start working on TRFID 4~ Then, I hope you will like it :^)!




it might sound crazy but yes, all of them. among all the 3d artists i looking, not just for the hentai thing, your art is seriously the best. Face expression, angle, detail… these thing truly amaze me. i know this request sound stupid but can you give me some advice like which sofware, basic skill should i learn first. Thank for your time !!!


Hmm... that's a lot lot lot thing inside, depending on your basic skill of art, could be very easy or totally impossible. First is tool, I use Daz studio for 3D, and Photoshop for 2D, but tools are just tools, as you can see there are lots of artist using Daz but some are quite terrible, it's because lack of the sense of art. I guess the most important is "Knowing what's beautiful, and how to make it", copy draw is always a good start for artist, it will help you to build art sense inside your mind. I hate the word "the nuts and bolts" because it's not fun, however it do effect a lot, almost all good 3D artist are also good 2D painter, learning basic painting like sketch will help you to reach what image you want, learning photography also help a lot. But if you already have something in mind and want to implement it, I'll say screw the nuts and bolts, just download the tools and start making it, trial and error, the most important is enjoying the process. I always thinking about make a tutorial or experience of making comic, but it's too much stuff to write... I'll try to squeeze some time to do it :^|.


I like the part “knowing what’s is beautiful”. this will be a long way to go for me. Thank for the advice, and you do have my respect. Love.