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能維持製作漫畫的動力到現在,真的都要感謝各位的支持<(_ _)>,做自己喜歡的事情還能維持基本生活開銷,這種生活真是像夢一樣,從2020年3月開啟Patreon頁面至今,鑽研了不少技術,也學到了很多事情…真的是一段豐富的旅程。




Congratulate! Congratulations!! The challenge we set up earlier is achieve~!!

The reason I can maintain the motivation to make comics until now, is all thank you for your support <(_ _)>, doing what I love and still can maintain the basic living expenses, this kind of life is really like a dream, starting in March 2020 Patreon page so far, I have delved a lot of techniques, also learned a lot things...It is really a rich journey.

From the first  "Ayaka's Diary"- to now "Promise", "Honey-Welcome Home" ... lot of works have accumulated now, but there are still many themes I want to do, many new series want to start. and always thinking try to do a game project... if only there are 48 hours a day.

For now I still define myself as a hobby creator. Next I'll try to label my self as "professional", for that I'll improve the quality of the works and... more improve the quality of the works :^)!

Continue to glowing my hentai power in 2021, thank you all!!



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