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What should I do?

  • Harlots Path: Mary sex scenes for Anno, Lai, Mayor, including bidding war for virginity. 18
  • Harlots Path: Bondage items/clothing in brothel. 0
  • Space Explorer: Good path started. 3
  • Space Explorer: Bad path started. 1
  • Space Explorer: Evil path started. 2
  • Sukhon: Condoms and surprise-creampies. 12
  • Sukhon: Back-view sex. 10
  • Sukhon: Fingering and dildos. 3
  • Sukhon: Repeat customers. 5
  • 2022-08-21
  • —2022-09-04
  • 54 votes
{'title': 'What should I do?', 'choices': [{'text': 'Harlots Path: Mary sex scenes for Anno, Lai, Mayor, including bidding war for virginity.', 'votes': 18}, {'text': 'Harlots Path: Bondage items/clothing in brothel. ', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Space Explorer: Good path started.', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'Space Explorer: Bad path started.', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'Space Explorer: Evil path started.', 'votes': 2}, {'text': 'Sukhon: Condoms and surprise-creampies.', 'votes': 12}, {'text': 'Sukhon: Back-view sex. ', 'votes': 10}, {'text': 'Sukhon: Fingering and dildos. ', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'Sukhon: Repeat customers.', 'votes': 5}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 9, 4, 6, 13, 10, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 8, 21, 2, 57, 25, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 54}


As it turns out, I've got such a long list of requests it would take half a year to finish them all, so, the poll will help me decide which order to do things in.

First here's details about each game in general. This week a patron pointed out the Harlot Path game was broken. I was working on the Mary BJ scene and forgot to remove it when I uploaded, leading to a broken loop... So, I spent the week finishing the scene. One day was drawing some new art and four days was spent wrangling the nightmare RPGMaker code... Then, I remembered I was going to have Mary be a gold-digger and sell her virginity to the highest bidder, so I got it working for the vine-guard scene. You can have a stranger or Abby take it. (I should mention the game is not updated yet. I still need to test it. Will be ready to play on Sept 5) Here's an image:

However, now that I'm back into it, I'm thinking it wouldn't be too hard to keep going and get the Anno and Lai (and possibly the Mayor) scenes working for Mary as well, which would fit into the bidding war since all 3 would bid for the virginity (to Harlot's chagrin). 

There's also another bondage scene finished in Billy's house which leads to Billy setting up a bondage shop in the brothel basement. I tried adding bondage items/wear to the existing brothel events but ran into serious issues with no layers being available to use... so that might be a dead end, but here's an image:

Before that, I got another face done in Space Explorer. (Also, not updated yet. I will finish another face and upload Sept 5) Here's a quick image:

With this game I'm thinking about have actual characters, not random women generation for two reasons. The first is I was getting really bogged down with the hundreds of variation layers needed to cover all the possible iterations: skin colors, noses, eyes, mouths, all the expressions... and the second is having actual characters allows for much deeper back stories, dialogue between the Hero and women and even inter-women conflicts. I might add customization later (like I did in Sukhon) but right now I want to get working on the starting story and events. Basic idea is the hero lives on a space station and wants to earn 5000 to buy a basic mining ship to earn money for him and sister (Player can replace sister with girlfriend if they prefer)  I want there to be three paths you can choose: good, bad, and evil. For example:

Good: work at normal job: 50/day, meet nice girl, slowly date her... must unlock sex acts in order and bondage not available. Get loan to buy ship, mine nearby for money, hire other crew and explore further, drama is sister, gf and crew conflicts, possible love-triangle, mostly realistic situations and actions outcomes.

Bad: pickpocket or steal from work or sell drugs for 125/day, meet criminal girl, quickly date her... sex acts unlocked quickly, light bondage allowed, criminal funds your ship and you trade drugs, meet/date criminals and rogues, drama is violence over women, cartel betrayals, pirate attacks, mostly fake hollywood-style situations and outcomes.

Evil: pimp out sister/girlfriend for big $$$. date hookers, sex and bondage unlocks and degradation, buy ship easily bc money not an issue. All women you meet are for sale or easily seduced. Raid outposts. colonies to kill, steal and rape. Drama is your crew and women are as evil as you, and  steal, cheat or betray you at any chance, mostly nonsense porn-style situations and outcomes. 

I also have a list of requests for Sukhon, I could work on. Here's a short summary:

Condoms and surprise-creampies. Likely requires more story where she decides to only have sex with condoms so 'safer' and then random man pulls off condom and cums in her. Could be for all 3 holes. Each time she is mad but then accepts it and allows the next sex act perhaps.  

Back-view sex. Pretty self-explanatory. Quite a bit of work. requires all men drawn for back view penis animations, cum animations, movement scripting... Actually, quite a lot of work...

Fingering and dildos. Would be a new sex move. Possibly in back-view too. 

Repeat customers. Customer would appear multiple times, asking for certain sex acts, and if you accept, it would move the story forward the next time customer appears. Might add achievements for each one completed. Some would be humorous, others serious.
eg1: virgin wants to impress gf by knowing lotza sex, so asks Sukhon to teach him. Sukhon gives foojob, second time he gets BJ, third he does Vag, fourth anal, then fifth time Sukhon asks how girlfriend going and he says: Turns out she was cheating on me. What a slut. How could she do that? as he fucks Sukhon.
eg2: drunk guy bangs Sukhon complaining about wife, 2nd+3rd time more complain, 4th time Sukhon says he should complain less and talk out their problems. 5th time sukon asks how it went. Man says it went great until my wife asked why I decided to work things out, and I told her my hooker suggested it. Now, i'm divorced.
eg3: (only if futa) man tells sukhon he likes her being futa, second tells he wishes he could be woman, third: sukhon says follow your dreams, fourth planning to do it, fifth returns as a futa and thanks Sukhon for her support while having sex.
eg4:  guy recognizes sukhon. Hey, im Billy, werent you at xxx school? 2nd time another guy says: yeah Billy told me you were working. I was in your class, 3rd: hey Sukhon, it's Joey, your HS boyfriend!, 4th Hey Sukhon remember me, You wouldnt date me in HS, now you cant  say no. 5th: Hey sukhon its your old teacher, I retired last year and moved to Thailand. Nice to see you... nude!

There are lots of funny or neutral ideas possible. Feel free to offer suggestions. 

OK, on to the poll! I've decided to include all options and you pick all you like. Don't click every option though, as that is really the same as clicking none. Maybe just choose 2~4 that you really like.


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