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Hey everyone! ^^

As May reaches us, it's time for my update post again! I actually can't believe it's May already. It feels like it was the New Year only a few months ago.

I'm happy to state that my Puro animation is finally coming to a close with the final loop being completed for this weekend. Even though I thoroughly enjoyed animating the puro animation, the focus on gooey latex was an incredible challenge for me to try pull off and I definitely need more practice before tackling something like that again. It also made me realise that my animation process is probably very inefficient and needs to be revised.

For the next project, I want to try something a little different - still feet related - but you shall see when the poll comes around tomorrow. <3

Also for those interested, I am planning on trying another YCH this month since the last one was so successful.

Thank you all you generous folk, have a great month. o7



