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Greetings Dearest Guests and Respected Residents!

We hope that you are all having a great time here at the White Werewolf Tavern, because we love having you here. Today, we have some very important news for you. It is regarding the previously mentioned changes that we will be implementing in the tavern, starting September 1st. 

Firstly, as mentioned before, we are going to be changing how the tiers are structured. The new Tiers are going to be as follows:

1. Resident - $3.00 + VAT

- 1 Monthly Bust in plain and pre supported variant

- Access to all free models

- Access to the Discord and the community

- Ability to see model WIP and vote

2. Discoverer - $7.00 + VAT (early bird of the Adventurer Tier, limited to 100+ patrons)

- Previous Tier rewards

- Monthly miniature set consisting of 3-4 very high quality models (with possible bonus variations)

- 1 Bonus miniature

- Access to the new Welcome Chest

- All models will have a pre supported STLs provided

3. Adventurer - $10.00 + VAT

- Everything that’s included in the Discoverer tier

4. Merchant Tier - $30.00 + VAT

- Previous Tier rewards

- This acts as a license to use our models for commercial purposes. You retain this permission as long as you are subscribed to this tier

- Limited access to the full library of commercially available models for the month of September

We are limiting the Discoverer Tier to 100 members to make sure that there’s room for everyone that has been our patron since the beginning, and want to move up, has a spot for a discounted price. If you have been with us from the start and didn’t have a chance to get into the early bird tier, drop us a message!

IMPORTANT! If you were automatically billed for the Resident Tier ($3+VAT), You will only pay the difference when you upgrade to a higher tier. Don't worry, you don’t pay twice!

The second piece of news for today is an update about the 100 patron goal model. The work on the Oleana Werewolf Queen is almost done and all you wonderful patrons will receive a link to the STL on the 26th of August, (the supported version will come a few days after that).

The third piece of news is regarding the release! September comes with a whole set of models! We have 5 models with variations for you!   

  • A Common Werewolf in two poses
  • A Furious Werewolf in two poses
  • Heroic model Karrash the Forest Shadow in two variations
  • Olcan the Wise, bonus model.
  • Oleana Werewolf Queen Bust

This release is scheduled for the 4th of September, so there is time from the 1st to the 3rd to move to the Discoverer tier, or subscribe to be an Adventurer.

 The final news that we have for you is regarding the Welcome Chest. We’re always trying to keep it fresh for you and this is what we’re adding to it! Oleana the werewolf queen is going right in there as well as 2 more models and a display diorama. We really hope that you’ll love these new additions that are available to the Discoverer, Adventurer and Merchant Tiers.

To close off, we want to thank you all from the bottoms of our hearts for the support that you’ve given us! We couldn't have imagined that we’d get this far when we were uploading our first model to the internet, and we wouldn’t have been able to get this far without your support. Thank you all so, so much!

Sincerely yours,

The White Werewolf team - Anastasia Konkina, Dmitry Seregin and Nikolai Iakoubenia