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(Fun Fact: My grandfather used to say - ..:"when my right nut starts tingling - a stormfront is coming from the east ....")




Remind me who was that in the show?


I think it's the Nazi one. There was a request. Although personally, the head popper is the one I'm waiting on. She'll both add more variety and is still relevant.

Jimmy POP

Same! I would like to see Victoria Neuman (head popper as well)


ah, she had shorter hair when she debuted so didnt know if she had longer hair later or not. Hope vect can make the short hair version too


Ya I mean this with full respect but that doesn't really look like her.


This is a WIP Version - Personally, I always find it disrespectful - when you make a blanket statement without a constructive explanation why a look is right or wrong, maybe just because the costume is not right or the hair is not short enough. Just for info: We are talking about Storm_front ...?


Not sure the negativity, for a wip I think it is quite good. Better than anything I could make that's for sure. Since you asked for some constructive criticism, In almost all the pics of her the hair part is on the other side. Still I'm sure you are aware and just haven't gotten to the hair yet. The face geometry looks great.

Doc O.G.

I don't know who 90% of the models are supposed to be modeled after I'm just in awe all the time!


In my opinion you made her more attractive, which for this particular model is okay. And not that I'm want to create more work for you, but any chance you'll make a futa of this one? Given the character's personality, it would be appropriate.


looking forward to this one love the boys. good show