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Here is the updated Version with the fixed texture.
-  This fascinating beauty is one of my all time favorite B-movie and TV show actresses. I finally managed to create her very unusual look for VAM. She is good enough that I release this lady for careful touching for you.

Clothes, Hair and Assets  (recommendation) :


What you should have:


Hunting-Succubus. FemaleBodySmootherTessellation

Sub_Demi_Eyes by , SupaRioAmateur


MacGruber.PostMagic Hunting-Succubus.Enhanced_Eyes

If you miss some of the morphs hairs or other standards: GO HERE >>




Please do the bow and arrow actress which likes to participate in special games 😜🙏🙏🙏


Lookin great as always!


Another "big" show I will now try out. Uhm...does the touching have to be careful?


Wow, one of your best models! I like it! <3


Wow! Amazing likeness


good skin but there is a rather visible seam on the leg, where the limbs map and torso map connect. I use blender channels to fix these and the patch tool in photoshop, usually works well, then throw the remap back into blender and bake it in the not...remap... :P


Amazing as always! I've noticed a little bit of clipping where the bottom teeth can protrude out of the lower lip a little bit sometimes, also noticed it with the recent Amy model. Not doing anything too fancy, just light expressions with the Clockwise Silver stuff. Regarding Erica's feedback, I've noticed some seams when I'm further away from a character, it's not as visible up close.


Thanks for your Info - fixed the teeth clipping - but I can not reproduce your seam problem from further distance with me - please send me on discord a screenshot with your problem (there is a help channel).


For the life of me, I know I've seen this actress.. but I can't place anything I've seen her in or the name.. Anyone mind giving a couple movie titles or anything so I'm not racking my brain trying to remember who this is?? LOL So familiar...!

Jonathon Barton

I had the name for a second, but then I LOST it. Really a Goliath in the industry, though. It would be Dirty Lies to say this is Bad Art. And if you haven't recognized anything yet, I'll have to 9021 owe ya cuz it's a Cold Case.


Having now watched a particular show, I understand why you ask that we treat her with respect.

Jon Doe

I almost fainted

Jon Doe

I just loaded this up an checked her out. Aside from the missing tat's, she is spot on. Her face is just like the real thing!