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Again and again I am confronted with the so-called FUTA topic and yes I know a little bit the "story" about it - but what exactly is FUTA, where does this attraction come from to give the female body a gigantic penis? I have brought one of my models in this alternative shape - what do you think - would you like to get a release in addition to this FUTA variant from time to time?

Feel free to write me/us something about this topic and please don't be shy - it's all about sex here :)




Im always for the option!

charlie H

Futa no thanks


No. People can add their own easily in VAM, not worth your effort when you're trying to capture real world likenesses. If the celeb's got a wang it makes sense, otherwise please no.


No, only normal male and female please.


It's not good to start getting weird in the quest for variety. However, you could do a Hispanic congresswoman, maybe one from New York's 14th district.

Mirko James

Im with GeneSequence: "People can add their own easily in VAM, not worth your effort when you're trying to capture real world likenesses." So no


I'm not low on disk space, and I like to enjoy the creativity of the amazing artists I back. I say damn the (holy crap... yeah... torpedos!) and full ahead!

Shiber Kivan

I will never ever download any futa but you do you.


Futa's not my thing, and although I'm sure you'd make great Futa's, I wouldn't be downloading them.




Personally I'm not even remotely interested in FUTA. If you're going to start making FUTA variations, please keep them in separate var packages-- I really don't want to see that show up in my VAM install.


I don’t get the Futa craze . Prefer not to see it honestly


yes lets see the Futas

Tom Painter

No futa. Never understood the appeal.


You do amazing work, and I'm a fan of futas, so I'm all in support. I'm still learning VAM, but given that transferring female textures to futa doesn't work 1-to-1, an easy compromise for everyone could be for you to make the hair you use futa-compatible, as well as include alt textures for those that want to make their own futa, but not include it as a preset.


That shit's gay. Keep it optional for us straight fellas.


As long as it's optional and separate, to each their own I suppose. Don't like it myself.


A no from me as well. While I would not complain if it were an option so we could choose to DL or not a Futa option, I always picture your art at hitting incredibly close to reality. This seems to be going the other way.


Definitely wanna see more futa. More clothes for futa would be awesome too.


I personally do not care for futa, but I also don't care if others like it. Just keep them in separate VARs please.

Azhrarn Straaf

I'm with Shiber...."I will never ever download any futa but you do you." If it is something you really WANT to do, and the regular content keeps coming, it's no skin off MY ass.


I don't care for it at all. But again you do you. My only concern is it taking time away from other releases. As long as they are always separate and don't overly impact other releases, no worries.

Dark Cypher

Not my cup of tea but do what makes you happy.


Yeah, that's gonna be a "no" for me, dawg.


Go ahead and make both versions, forget the haters. :)


Not a fan.


I would love anything related to Grace.


I don't understand the appeal of futa... I know for some games a futa comes in handy, because it's the only way you can get the game to show girl-on-girl poses (and you can usually make the penis invisible) ...but with VaM? Nah... you do a great job with female looks... stick to the ladies.


I never understood the whole futa thing until I played VAM. It’s nice to enjoy the scene having 2 females and having the benefit of the man’s roll being fulfilled.


I just want more Grace related content :)


While remaining respectful to those of the futa community... even perhaps to the trans or gay community... for me, the role you describe is better filled by strap-ons and other toys. Been there... and yes, it's a lot of fun to watch women satisfy each other. Judging from the replies, I think the majority of us are concerned by two things... 1) (by far #1) We don't want vecterror's production of sexy look-a-likes to slow down by adding steps (many of us don't want) to the process. (especially if the steps could be supplied by a third party) 2) We don't want the "female" nature of the looks we enjoy to become something "not-female." For example (and I am a 100% straight male... zero interest in male aspects to my partners, real or imagined) there have been female models (looks) of characters in games I liked at one time very much, but later couldn't stand to look at because I had once seen a futa version of the model, and could no longer imagine the model as a female. In short, for my tastes, I never want to see a schlong on a female model I like. You do you, but it'll drive people like me away if it's something I have to sort through. Strap-ons, however... I'm not sure why they haven't been implemented more.




Its great to see a "girl" is fu another girl ;) ... lesbians (two real woman) cant do what they can do ;)


Id like both :)


Can you upload this look here? It's really good.


I haven't learned how to turn em back to regular female's, so I usually just Delete them...