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Which skin type do you find most suitable for both desktop mode and VR mode? Here I developed new textures and I'm not really sure - which one you like more: realistic with stains, impurities and scars (left) or the "instagram" version (right) - everything is softer and significantly less impurities. Or even less or more?

Check the both faces and give me/us feedback (this is all about the face - the body is not processed)




...You have to watch the textures ingame - the screenshot cant show all the details!


Realistic Skin x100


Realistic skin, it adds more to immersion.


depends. when the shadows in the texture can only look good from 1 light direction, it breaks immersion. The "real skin" only looks good from a distance in VR in my opinion.


OK - I think so too - only I want to build textures that have their own UV and bump maps - so the incidence of light and shine are no longer drawn by the texture itself. The texture in this case is very high definition - so you can look at the skin very closely.


Desktop mode, difficult to tell at a distance, but close up Real took the lead. VR mode, Realskin was a hands up winner. This is solely based on the provided scene, I did not play with lighting.


In general (personally at least); for VR I like whatever gives the feeling of reality, so higher definition with realistic imperfections is 95% of the time my preference. (I guess it could be termed the "girl nextdoor effect" - she is less perfect than the model in playboy - and yet more believable/visceral).




I'd say, If you can do both, then do both... I'm sure there's lots of times one or the other would be better depending on the scene.