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"You didn't even pay anything beyond the normal private room rate. No need. You must have charmed Akali with your dashing good looks, sweet dance moves, and slightly-exaggerated adventures to lands far and wide. She truly got a mouthful of you, then and now."

-Secretary Karissa

Animation by Firebrand and sound by Shmopla.

VR 8K 60fps 

VR 6K 60fps 

VR 4K 60fps 

VR 1080p 60fps 

Non-VR 4K 144fps 

Non-VR 1080p 60fps 



Hey everyone. Another remaster for all of you! It's amazing to see the changes on this. I think this was only our 2nd Blender release, so it's pretty drastic. If you've been a supporter of us for this long, then you'll definitely notice the difference in quality regarding pixel density, smoothness, and just overall appearance quality. 

BTW, if you haven't put in a request for a remaster, or you have and you want another remaster, now is the time. We're getting caught up on our releases pretty quickly with me alternating between remasters and exclusives every week.

Speaking of alternating every week, we've been slowing down our weekly releases from 2 to 3 every week. This is for 3 reasons. 

First, to ensure that we're releasing a reward for you, our patrons, every week instead of only 3 weeks a month. 

Second, this is allowing us to focus more on our premium content, which will be available to our escapist tier, as well as to VRPorn subscribers. We're setting a goal of 3 premium releases a year. These videos will be a minimum of 10 minutes in length, with the rare exception, and will be full videos. Not just 5 second loops for 10 minutes.

Lastly, this is allowing me to actually take a day off here and there. It's been quite exhilarating. Most of the time I end up bored and sit down to work at my PC anyways, but it's been a real change of pace compared to years ago when I was taking off one day a month. I'm actually able to look forward to a day off on the weekend now!

That's about all I have. I'll be back with a new release tomorrow.


-Dark Zalivstok




Ok sure but when the next LazyProcrastinator post tho

Sir Bangalot

that ugly model again ... at least this time you cant tell its ugly because the mouth never leaves the cock


Too many League Of Legends, tired of League Of Legends and Overwatch. Bring more fighting games, Tekken, SoulCalibur, Dead Or Alive. Bring more blondes, Lili, Helena, Nina, also stop with the blowjobs, time to bring more anal stuff. At least some RPGs, Final Fantasy is better than this stuff. But fighters are the most wanted.


I'm glad people are criticizing finally. Dark Dreams does a lot of weird things that I think people don't like but because there isn't a ton of competition in the VR space they get away with it and don't understand this.


These look nice but like to see more of the "assets" only downside to the blowjob vids but looks amazing still


Also, Giant dicks are immersion breaking. even a dude with 12" cant relate to that dick. seriously... less blowjobs and doggy styles would be preferred. we've been dreaming of these characters for years we want Full frontal shots, with their realistic to character body...