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"Fairly new at Clouds, you've heard amazing things about Evelyn. Judy's been ranting and raving about her Cyberware, too. Time to take her for a spin."

-Secretary Karissa

Animation by NES, sound by JunkFace7, and voice acting by Delalicious.

VR 8K 60fps 

VR 6K 60fps 

VR 4K 60fps 

VR 1080p 60fps 

Non-VR 4K 144fps 

Non-VR 1080p 60fps 



I apologize for the lateness in releasing this. On top of needing to render it three times to get it right, I've been swamped with trying out the new blender and finishing up the major studio release, and generally trying to stay sane during this cold time of year. Thanks for your patience, everyone!

-Dark Zalivstok




Can't wait to watch this one later. That one Evelyn BJ animation is easily in my top 3. Really excited for this one!


OMG this is 🔥🔥🔥🔥


more cyberpunk lets goo


mega sub is like 5 dollars, dude


I won't stop using MEGA, sorry. It's the best and safest way to host our content. I'm going to refund this month's support. Sorry for the inconvenience.


I'm sorry to see you upset and sorry to see you go. Best of luck to you.


I understand you're frustrated, and although you're not upset with me, you're disatisfied with my choice of using MEGA, as well as MEGA in general. However, I've already made it quite clear we're not going to stop using MEGA, and refunded your money without issue. You said you wouldn't be back, but then edited your comment to say you would be happy with this once you were refunded, which has been started on my end. I don't have the time or energy to go further on this. I'm sorry you're disatisfied, but I've done everything I can on my end, and you're going against your word.


so good!


You'd think a guy who names his account after a playboy billionaire wouldn't make such a fuss about a $5 subscription to Mega, lololol. Some people you just can't please.

Tony Stark

Again, where are you getting this 5$ fee (second user to say this incorrectly), it hasn't been 5$s a month in YEARS. Mega STARTS at 10$, then 20$, then 30$ for premium a month, so if you are OK with it, fine by me. And Tony Stark is fake, but the 10/20/30$s on top of the charge for MEGA just to DL the content, isn't fake. You guys can hate me all you want, but I don't think it's fair we can't DL what we paid for, and that was my only point. I pointed it out, in hopes to prevent future sale losses from it (as new customers discover this hurdle).


I have also just canceled my membership for this very reason. It is misleading to the customers. It clearly states in the membership we have access to all the Mega content to download etc... I paid around $14-$15 and now I have to pay another $10 for the mega membership. Nearly twice the amount I thought I would initially pay. A little transparency goes a long way to keep your customers happy. I understand those who say it's only $10. But it's more a question of honesty.


I suggest a disclaimer in the membership perks. Saying you need a membership to mega in order to fully access the patreon perks. I get why we're here. We're all a little kinky. However, not everyone likes a surprise anal. Some of us like to know what we're getting into first.


I don't appreciate you insinuating that I'm taking advantage of people or purposefully being misleading. That is not my intent, or the studio's. I WILL update the Tier description to state that a MEGA subscription is recommended if you plan to download a lot of our files through MEGA. VR files aren't small, and if you're feeling particularly excited, you might want to watch a lot of our videos. That I do understand. But, ever single one of our public releases are available for download at VRPorn if you don't want a MEGA sub. You can easily view all of our content without a MEGA sub in it's highest quality. Access to our MEGA archive through the Comatose Tier is a reward for people who want to support us at a higher level. It gives you access to our content at any time, and 99% of the time, ahead of public release. Taking this a step further, MEGA is a service that is fast and trustworthy. By having a sub with them, you are gaining access to services that are useful for downloading from other artists as well, not just Dark Dreams. We're not the only artists who use MEGA as their primary way of hosting an archive. So, I will agree that the tier should specify a sub is recommended.


The "Pro Lite" plan is the cheapest. It's 4.43 in my country, should be $5 elsewhere. Says it gives 1TB of transfer which is more than enough. A MEGA sub isn't even required in the first place, I've never paid for it. Even on the free version of MEGA you can just queue the downloads in the MEGA app and you'd only have to wait for the transfer allowance to reset and it'll continue where it left off even if you restart/shutdown your device.

El Mago

get a VPN, you can just IP hop and download as much as you want.


It's $5 in the US, use your eyes.