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"You felt kind of silly trying to impress Jill by rolling up your sleeve and showing her your only tattoo... since she followed up by unbuttoning her shirt and consequently blowing your mind. Tattoos and titties are your two favorite things in the whole world!"

-Secretary Karissa

Animation by SFMPOV.

VR 8K 60fps 

VR 6K 60fps 

VR 4K 60fps 

VR 1080p 60fps 

Non-VR 4K 144fps 

Non-VR 1080p 60fps 



The last couple of weeks, and even month, have been extremely chaotic for me. Enough to where I almost just stepped away from work altogether to gather myself. Ever since the studio's last break in July, things have been spiraling out of control, or so it seems. Between family emergencies, surgeries with unexpected results, closets demolishing, and just general work, I am very ready for some normalcy. Hopefully this next week is a turnaround and I can get back to a regular routine of work and relaxing.

This video was a quick setup. It's one of SFMPOV's older ones, so it has some issues that I needed to workaround. Some things I couldn't even fix, but will only be noticed by someone who is watching the video to critique it instead of just to enjoy it. But if you go in looking to enjoy some intimacy with a very tattooed, future version of Jill, then I think you'll like it.


-Dark Zalivstok




As someone who loves girls with lots of tattoos, this is great.


God I love tattooed women.


Tattoos? Piercings? This is a 10/10.


Great movement and textures. Personally, I would like to see a completely naked version without tattoos. ( I am not against tattoos. I only mentioned the non-tattoo version. Even yakuza have different tastes in whether or not their own women have tattoos. P.S. I'm not a yakuza. perhaps. )


Does video have sound?