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"To boldly go where no man has gone before. That was your charter. You're the first interstellar representative for Earth and you're determined to make a good impression. As such, you decide to demonstrate a human ritual so fundamental to our species that these new galactic neighbors will have no doubt about what we do for most of our lives."

-Secretary Karissa

A creation of the Dark Dreams team, including SFMPOV, the sound design comes from Volkor and the voiceacting was by Miss Nilla.

VR 8K 60fps 

VR 6K 60fps 

VR 4K 60fps 

VR 1080p 60fps 

Non-VR 4K 144fps 

Non-VR 1080p 60fps 



This will be the last OC model we create and use for a while as a studio, as we've been falling behind on other projects. Once we get through our first Premium release and get Blender VR Animations Requests on a steady roll, I think we'll jump back into creating our own models, particularly horror, fantasy, sci-fi and monster girl models. It's been very fun creating these models, but it's very time consuming. Don't fret, SFMPOV still creates models in his spare time, and we'll still be collaborating with him on them as he finishes animations.

For those of you who asked, the furbaby is doing great. Doggo's eye is healing up just fine, even though she's wearing a massive cone of shame to stop her from scratching it again. Thanks for your support, everyone.


-Dark Zalivstok




Great because she's basically a quarian.


That is sad to hear your ocs are my favorite this video and Octavia are my favorite videos of all time 🥺


For what it's worth, BFG, SFMPOV created both of these from scratch himself. You'll still see similar content like this down the road, just not as often or with our own collaborative design. You'll still get some good content from them.