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"When Mercy said she wanted you to see her work it, you had no idea just how hard she planned to go. All bets are off, now."

-Secretary Karissa

Animation and sound by KisX.

VR 6K 

VR 4K 

VR 1080p 

Non-VR 4K 

Non-VR 1080p 


With us moving on from SFM to Blender, I've been trying all sorts of crazy things to save time on renders. So far, the results have been pretty phenomenal.  My only irritation with this particular video was actually on the non-VR version. There was an unusual amount of noise compared to KisX's original version, which I just didn't understand. I'm still working out what caused it, but honestly if someone is watching this and says, "Whoa, why is there noise there?", then they're not here for right reasons. lol

That said, as long as their isn't accidental noise in the actual VR shots, I'm happy.

It's great to be working with KisX again. We kinda drifted away from their work in SFM, as it was pretty amazing work but very short for the demand we'd received. Their organization and skills make for some amazing scenes, and I'm a nut for their lighting setups. They're one of the few artists I've worked with where I'll almost always use their default lighting in VR, because it's just so good. I only wish I could have gotten ahold of more of the scene build extras they used, but it wasn't shareable and thus unavailable. Still a beautiful scene in VR.

Happy Thanksgiving, and as usual...


-Dark Zalivstok




Very nice!


This is such high quality holy shit


kisX work is always amazing...i may be contacting u about doing more of thier work lol


More KisX animations pleeeeeease my lawd