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"Dominating the newly discovered Hiss target was no issue. Getting it to stop once it had started what it was best at... well that's another story.

But Jesse didn't mind. Being the Director and residing in the Oldest House, she wasn't able to get out beyond the occasional foray into a new threshold.

Who says you can't enjoy your job AND be good at it?"

-Secretary Karissa

Animation by SFMPOV, and sound by Audiodude.

VR 6K 

VR 4K 

VR 1080p 

Non-VR 4K 

Non-VR 1080p 


And so begins our Halloween videos! I'm still working on next week's videos because I have extra I want to do, but so far everything is on track. The team has been cranking out animations and sound and we're on our way. Hopefully you're all fans of Control as much as I am. I felt like SFMPOV's original scene build didn't quite fit Control's theme as much as it should have, so I redid some colors and even went as far as to change lighting to fit the Oldest House's aesthetic. This meant re-rendering the non-VR version myself, which was a bit of a time sink, but I love Control so it was personally worth it.

A bit of bad news, my new monitor for my Blender computer bit the dust while I was in NY visiting family and friends. Go figure. This means I had to setup my Blender computer to work off of my SFM monitors. So far it's actually been a great timer but this means less FPS and the inability to use my drawing tablet. I'll just have to wing it until I hear back from tech support.

Vacation was amazing. After not visiting my hometown in almost 2 years due to COVID and work it was phenomenal to see everyone again. With that said, I want to thank you all for your support during COVID. There were days where the only thing I had to look forward to was working on our studio art. Because of your support it kept me going. 

I'll have another post for you on Friday, then Sunday, then Tuesday, then Thursday... can you see a pattern arising? I love Halloween.


-Dark Zalivstok




This is why I love Halloween, it's because of people like you doing God work lmao 👍


They are my favorite!! I don't go for ones like this much but I'm super in to monster/scary girls which I'm sure are coming. that's another reason I love you, you do more of those then other vr artist

John Joseph

Your Halloween animations continue to impress