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"She runs one of the finest massage parlors in the city. Its reputation takes work to uphold. To set an example, the Madam frequently maintains her own proficiency in "matters of intimate relaxation" by taking on a select customer herself."

-Secretary Karissa

Animation by Lazy Procrastinator, sound by Volkor, and voice-acting by BritishKassVA

VR 6K 

VR 4K 

VR 1080p 

Non-VR 4K 

Non-VR 1080p 


Things have been a little tough for me lately, as my SO and I recently said goodbye to one of our fur-babies. We'd lived together with her since we first started dating, so this was very hard for me. I've been taking a little time off to grieve, but things will continue on like normal, if at a slightly slower pace for a little bit. Most likely I'll have 2 animations for all of you instead of 3 next week, but there's a small chance of only 1 being ready by then. I'm just waiting on Secazz to get back to me with some textures, and if so then I'll have 2.

This particular animation was a perfect opportunity to practice some of the lighting techniques I'd learned from recent online courses. I wanted to improve on what PL had already done, as the lighting was already quite believable and good, but I knew that in VR it needed to be taken to the next level; in the past I've only dealt with toneMapScale in SFM, but with Blender I am much more able to mess with gamma and exposure BEFORE things are rendered out. I'm making no excuses for my poor lighting in the past. It's up to the artist to make due with the tools they have at hand!
Knowing I wanted to have some true, realistic light sources coming from the outside back windows, I knew I had to lower exposure all the way down, then kick all the back lights up to a realistic setting, as they should be the brightest lights in the room. Once done, this made for some better, more believable rim lighting around you and Madam M. Of course, I cheated a little on different parts of the background to lend itself to a better composition through the scene build, but it's still a better look overall.

Thank you all for your continued support, and as always...


-Dark Zalivstok



John Joseph

Fuck yeah! Madam M is HOT