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It was great revisiting Maya and her loot box. I really enjoyed putting this scene build together with Wampa. He did most of the heavy lifting on it, while I arranged it to work better in VR and added the lighting. Krieg isn't around this time, as you can see. Perhaps he's off with some meat puppets or getting loot, but this isn't stopping Maya's loot box from getting plundered. And she's not complaining, either.

A couple changes to note,  after this animation I've decided I'll render our non-VR scenes at a straight 60 fps, and then interpolate up to 144. Kaeg and I were talking about interpolation (thanks for being patient with my thin skin!) and what is actively lost/gained when interpolating. I love a buttery smooth animation, but can't stand aliasing or distortion, so the obvious compromise is to take longer to render on non-VR scenes but take the framerate even higher (looking at what I just typed, I now realize that's not actually a compromise) To keep a semblance of balance for playback on different devices, after this week all non-VR animations will be 4K at 144 fps, and 1080p will be 60 fps.

I think most people here support us for the VR side of things, but it doesn't mean we take our non-VR scenes any less serious. With the team's new established workflow and roles, our non-VR scenes are looking better and better as well.


-Dark Zalivstok

This was requested on our Discord's vr-animation-request channel. Get your requests in! It's first come, first serve.

Of course, credit shall be given where due! Thank you to Dark Dream's own Wampa on animation and setup, Mendez on facial animation and camera work, and Luriam on sound and ambience.

Last but not least, thank you to Bordeaux Black for the amazing voice work. She's quickly becoming a favorite of mine.

VR 6K 

VR 4K 

VR 1080p 

Non-VR 4K 

Non-VR 1080p 





Seriously this turned out fucking amazing on all counts.