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"The hour is late, and the energy drinks don't seem to be working. Mercy sees your eyelids slump and your grip on the controller ease. No! The night is not over, she declares. Time to get your heartrate pumping again. She specializes in revivals like this."

-Secretary Karissa

Animation by Polished Jade Bell and sound by Volkor.

VR 6K 

VR 4K 

VR 1080p 

Non-VR 4K 

Non-VR 1080p 


This was a tough video to figure out at times, but I learned a lot from bringing it into VR. It was my first time dealing with NLA in Blender, as well as messing with rigs (beyond just knowing they were there) and... well it was awful at first. I had to re-render this 4 separate times! But thanks to PJB's patience, I was able to work it out and get through it. Again, thank you, PJB! After this video, I can tell you that PJB and us will definitely be collaborating again.

I'd like to take some time to make an announcement. We have some new artists who have joined the team! They'll be an important part of YOUR future enjoyment of our videos.

First up, we have Ziki. I've been wanting to get someone on staff to port simple (and not-so-simple) models for some time. You can expect some new and interesting models from us at SFMLab and Smutbase down the road, thanks to Ziki's wonderful skills and talents.

Next up is Mendez. Mendez was introduced to me through Karissa (best secretary ever!), but it turns out he needed no introduction... as we'd actually worked together years ago! It was so long ago that we'd both forgotten about it (back in the Tumblr days) so what a surprise it was when I realized during their interview that we'd previously collaborated! Rest assured you're in good hands with Mendez, and keep an eye out for more content from them beyond just lip-syncing as they get settled in with us and take on more roles. They're eager to produce content for all of you!

Last but not least we have Volkor joining the staff who did the sound for today's release, and certainly needs no introduction if you've been a fan of rule 34 animated artwork. They've been sounding some of the best content out there for years. We're glad to have such a talented artist on the staff!

It's great to have new artists in the studio as we try to give you better, new, and more content. Please, say hello and make them feel welcome!

Just a short note on our releases, I've been struggling with finding a host for video previews for some time, so I've opted to do my own gif previews. The site doesn't play well with art that has adult themes, so I had to take matters into my own hands. You'll still have access to non-vr shots of every release through MEGA like normal, but from now on I'll be posting releases as pictures with gifs instead of embedded videos. It's a little bit more time out of my day, but I think it lends to a smoother, less stressful presentation.

That's all I have. Enjoy, and have a great weekend!

-Dark Zalivstok

EDIT: The 6K was rendered at a framerate that was too high, and had to be redone. I've updated it with the new version and it should be displaying properly now!




That ass jiggle is flawless lol


6k version is borked. its super choppy. 4k is fine tho


Thank you for pointing this out. For some reason the framerate on that is VERY high, and I'm fixing it now.