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I almost considered not posting anything at all this week, as I needed a true break from work. After the move earlier this year I've been working non-stop, which the endemic made even easier with not leaving home, but that means the studio has been working non stop. But, as usual, if I'm not working then I feel guilty so I knew I needed to release SOMETHING for all of you. So why not a big project?

Hsien Ko's back, thanks to Lieutenant Flapjack! As usual, Flapjack did an amazing job bringing this elusive character to you. If you didn't know, there aren't really any good models out there to represent her in naughty videos. This is why I consider it a big deal when we get to bring her into VR. I apologize now if the body hack is apparent to you in any parts of the video. I did my best to hide the imperfections with said model hacking. At the end of the day, I knew that it would show at some point, as VR limits your camera movement, but myself and Flapjack did a damn good job of working with what we had available.

Being honest, this animation was a bit too much work for me, time wise. The original video wasn't meant for POV in it's entirety, and that meant a lot of animation time on my hands. And since the VR version clocks in at just under 3 minutes... well, lip syncing and animation have always been my biggest time sinks with the studio, with lighting being a close third. I learned a lot so I have no regrets, but in videos of this length I definitely can't afford to spend that much time on one aspect; at least not if I want to bring you 4 videos a week. The goal of 4 videos a week has forced me to be more efficient with my time and improved my skills dramatically, but it does have disadvantages in that I can't necessarily spent a week on just one video. And that adds up to late hours working.

I did have to edit the session so a couple parts are missing. Some of it you won't notice, but the main thing is the ending. I had to cut it short, as there was no way to bring it into VR. This was out of our control, and it is what it is.

All that said, I'm grateful Flapjack asked me to bring it into VR. We were able to bring one of my favorite characters back into VR again, and provide him with sound in the process, so it was nice to help each other out while collaborating. Before I forget, Luriam provided the sound, and Oolay Tiger was our voice actress. Thank you to them both, and of course, thank you to Lieutenant Flapjack for their patience with me. I'm aware of my abrasiveness due to my inability to focus at times, and it's frustrating for me when communication isn't as simple as it could be.

Everyone, enjoy! We'll be back next week.

-Dark Zalivstok


VR 1080

3D 4K

3D 1080p

Newgrounds Original Video




Steven B.

NICE IT RELEASED IN VR. THANK YOU!!! now for a black version


Hey bud, if you need to take a break, then you should definitely take a break. I can’t speak for anyone else, but it’s better for you to rest and not get burnt out than to keep pushing and start to resent what you do


I think you're absolutely right, and that's why I'm taking a break. When I start pushing and feel resentment building, I know it's time and that's where I'm at. Since a good bit of this is more artwork than science, it's not the kind of thing you want to do burnt out or feeling resentful. Thanks, Kevin.

John Joseph

We have more than enough vr for now. Enjoy that break.

Steven B.

I agree take a break man. There's lots for us to see thanks to you. We'll see you next time

Lieutenant Flapjack

Flapjack here. I appreciate your hard work to convert this into vr. You deserve a break after all this.


Yeah take a break man !