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Today I am running quality/size tests on our VR files in regards to post work, particularly using a h.264 export versus the custom one I have been using for a while. I'm curious if all of you have a preference on keeping the file size low or not. I'm always up for a quality increase, even if it means a bigger file size, but I want to know what all of you think. I'll post my tests' findings here as well as in my next video post tonight/tomorrow. Mind you, I won't give up playback efficiency for quality, only increasing file size. I still want smooth playback for VR. So, what do you think?

EDIT: Today I'll be testing a couple different formats to see what works and looks best for file size. I'd planned on waiting until tomorrow, but it seems most of us agree on quality and file size. If it turns out there is no visible difference, then we'll still have the same old file size. I suspect that the h.264 WILL look better, but I need to gauge playback smoothness and file size against it. On the plus side, if there are no issues AND it looks better, this actually cuts down on some steps and simplifies my established workflow. Which means MORE storage space needed, but less steps needed, less time needed, and less chance for mistakes made.


h.264 no compression (newest way, no compression): Less random noise created and less detail lost, but not smooth enough playback with a massive file size (4X bigger).

h.264 with compression (newest way with compression): Less random noise created and less detail lost, with no real difference between the uncompressed version graphically speaking. Differences with the compressed version were at the pixel level (checked side by side) and I believe random due to the nature of the effects I use for post. Without further tests I can't be sure on this, but his tdoesn't matter as no important details are lost and no change in noise was detected. If you're watching my videos in VR at the pixel level then you're not using them for the purpose I'm making them. File size is much, much smaller in comparison to the uncompressed h.264, and comparable in size to the old custom-with-compression versionm, being slightly larger, within tens of kbs.

custom with compression (old way with compression): More noise and detail lost, with usual smooth playback. File size comparable to the new h.264-with-compression, being slightly smaller within tens of kbs.

custom without compression (old way without compression: Not tested as I know this DOES NOT play back as smoothly and has a larger file size. I won't go back to this, as there's no point whatsoever.


Dark Dreams will be moving to h.264 combined with the compression we were already utilizing. File size won't change noticeably, and noise reduction and detail will be a little better. Basically, if you didn't have the original to compare to, you probably wouldn't know the difference unless you examined at either the pixel level or side by side. I CAN rest well knowing that I am putting out the best quality I can.

tl;dr We'll be decreasing random noise and increasing small detail quality, and removing a couple steps from my workflow, WHILE maintaining current file size. Everybody wins.


Next I'll be working on better compression in terms of better quality. As is now, we have a pretty good setup for giving you good quality with decent resolution and file size; we're always pushing the limits and I'm curious what else I can improve within my current workflow.

I also plan to purchase a drawing tablet to start working on custom textures for models. Lighting has been a focus of mine for a year now, and while I believe I still need to work on improving it, materials in SFM are in need of change and I know I have the skillset to do so. I may release said textures publicly if there is a desire for them.


Steven B.

Their big files but that's just how it is. You limit the size you limit the quality....I think


I assume that most people will feel this way. If you're into VR, then you understand that quality is the highest goal beyond achieving pinnacle camera work and scale. It's all an artform at it's core, but I want it to be acclimated for our patrons.

Steven B.

esspecially during these tough times. you ask me your an essential creator


THAT put a smile on my face. I like to think I'm making life better for people just like me out there.


As long as they play and loop smoothly on Whirligig Player that is all that matters to me.


I don't know... I use the Quest, and the storage space on that thing isn't the greatest unless you want to pay way too much. Can't upgrade it either. That being said... I am one person, and I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't be happy with prettier visuals. I think an increase in quality is the best decision for the majority of your patrons. But, as always, do what you feel is necessary, Dark.


I would much prefer you use h265 with the FastDecode tuning setting.


I was under the impression that, until the day comes when I can do greater than 4K, there wasn't much point in utilizing H.265. Is this not true?

John Joseph

I download these on my phone. I need th storage zize small so I can fit as much as possible. Please keep a small option.


Don't worry, I will still be utilizing compression of some sort. There will always be options for phone users versus HMD users.


I am using the Quest with media on my NAS, playing with the Skybox VR Player. "Unlimited storage"

Steven B.

You are DD keep up the good work. Best thing for us to do is stay home n fap. You have no idea how needed your talents and entertainment are. Don't stop keep going!


video's quality increase!!


5k please


Thanks for the input, Enrique. Unfortunately true 5K isn't possible with SFM, and upscaling wouldn't really serve any purpose. You're not gaining new details with 5k upscaling, only maintaining or losing them.


Wouldn't be H265 (respectively HEVC - called High Efficiency Video coding) a better alternative? Some other publishers use this one lately... it plays on all my VR video players so far. And btw... looping (I use them frequently) seems to perform better on these videos, now that I think about. On others, there is sometimes a small delay or skipping (even with my exceptionally performant PC! - may have to do something with frames than rather, but I don't know), while not noticeable on these ones.


You should not target a specific filesize. You should keep the bitrate consistent. When a video has a higher resolution, the bitrate should be the same as the smaller resolution version, and its filesize should be twice as big as the small version. Instead, you usually produce 2 files with two exact same sizes, but with different resolutions, which results in higher compression for the 4K video, and more artifacts compared to the 1080p version. This is wrong.


I don't target a specific file size, and the bitrate is consistent when rendering and encoding. I take the 4K version and encode it with a smaller resolution, that's all I am changing. I'd be glad for more information on how I should be doing this. Encoding is one of my weakpoints when it comes to video production.

Lt. Raine

As for 4k abd VR the file size you usually have is acceptable. As for 1080p none VR, having a 1 minute file with 200 - 300 MB is way too much imho.