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You damn near spit your donut out when this girl zipped past your patrol car well above the speed limit. Never mind that: she’s completely naked while doing so! You can’t recall a time that you’ve pulled someone over so eagerly. Look, ma’am, I don’t agree with public indecency laws either. But I have to write some kind of citation. What’s that? Yes, I suppose there is something you can do for me instead.

Animation by the Firebrand and sound by Laarel.

-Secretary Karissa

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Lower Resolution

VRPorn Downloads Link

I wanted to address something that was brought to my attention. Sometimes you'll see a post go up on VRPorn before it comes up on Patreon. This is out of my hands most of the time, as the video will change hands twice before it goes up on VRPorn, meaning I don't know exactly when it will post. Add to that the fact that the Dark Dreams VR team is all over the world in different time zones, and you end up with postings going up at different times. No one is at fault here, it's just how things have to work. We aim for a time window during specific days of the week, and try to post everything about the same time. Thus why this video is just now posting this morning instead of last night when it went up on VRPorn. This is not meant to be a slight to anyone. We post as we can, when we can. It's just the nature of the beast when we put out this much content (of this complexity) with a small team that is located all over the world.

I think part of the issue is that we put out a lot of content in terms of regularity. It's easy to pick and choose flaws when you have a lot to choose from, and there are bound to be more mistakes in turn. A lot of artists and studios post content once a week, or every other week. I love what we do, and I look forward to it every day. This isn't just a hobby for me. So please, feel free to point out mistakes and criticize us. I want the studio to improve, and it will continue to do so with your help.

Thank you all for your support. Without you, the Dark Dreams VR team, and the artists we work with, this wouldn't be possible. I'll never get tired of saying that, and I hope you never get tired of hearing it.

-Dark Zalivstok




The links doesn't seem to work.


I apologize. It's the same issue as before. Patreon keeps doubling the http:// when saving hyperlinks. Fixing now.