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Alright, with so much going on, polls are going to be simplified in their results from now on. As much as I enjoy streamlining polls and adding a personal touch, it's becoming too time consuming between my other job and this. As much as I love showing my sense of humor with each post and adding my own opinion, including unique pictures and photo-shop designs, etc. there is just too much to do to take this time on it, so I'll be getting straight to the point from now on. Instead of throwing together massive grids of pictures for the vote I could be working on another animation for you all to enjoy. As I am able to devote more time to Dark Dreams with increased funding, I'll be able to go back to a more streamlined, personal touch.

With that said... Results!

This first model poll's results were fairly unanimous, with Final Fantasy being the clear winner! I will search around and work something out with ThatSFMNoob to fit the bill. I am thinking Oerba Yun Fang since there is a huge surplus of FFXV models coming out right now, and she doesn't have what I would consider to be a really great model out there, currently.

Thank you all for your support! I'll have the follow up poll for next month up shortly.




Still looking for a really good Y'shtola animation... I've seen one XPS model, but that's about it.