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With Mista J being out of the picture, there's a new spot open for Harley's right hand man. And with you having just saved her ass, she seems to think you will "fit" the spot!

Thank you to Laarel for their great sound work on this, as well as Kaeg's great animation work! We had a couple snags here and there, but we managed to get it done on schedule, and had a lot of fun doing it. As stated before, Dark Dreams will be stepping away from setting a monthly deadline for our animations, but we will continue to aim for a month. Let us know what you think of the results! We can only improve with constructive criticism and positive reinforcement, so give us both.

Here is the link to Kaeg's 2D version if you are interested in seeing it. I highly suggest you support Kaeg. He is extremely talented and is getting better every day!

Dark Dreams we'll be back to it's regular schedule of posts in January. So with that said enjoy the weekend, and we'll see you with poll results, new polls and animations after the New Year!

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I like these multiple pose combination sets and I'm glad you do them, but I'd have to say that releasing these as a pair of shorter videos would make for more comfortable looping, swapping positions every 30 seconds might be in character for Harley and her mania but it's a bit quick for me. That said there's nothing stopping me from taking the digital scissors to it myself in an editor but just food for thought.