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Someone recently asked me about the length and size of videos that I create, wondering why I do what I do, basically. The reason I make them 1 minute in length is because, originally, I didn't use to loop them and there were a lot of people who didn't like that. So... it's time for a poll to see if that has changed. If this is the case, this WOULD save me some time on every single video I do, so this is fairly important. The less time I spend on each video, the more time I can spend on doing others, as well as learning and bettering myself.

Therefore, this will be open to all subscribers, but not public, as you are the ones supporting me directly. I need your opinion. Feel free to comment, and at the very least show your opinion through the poll. There seems to be two main sides to this issue, so vote as appropriate or comment. Thank you, all.




I would say, make them about 30 seconds. That way you can have multiple loops in 1 video bit the video size will ben a lot smaller. Best of both worlds.


Thank you for your input. I had thought that initially, myself! We'll see what everyone else has to say.


Personally I'm fine with the way it is now, none of the VR players I've used even has looping as a feature. If anyone knows of one feel free to share. As mentioned above, 30 sec would be a sweetspot too.


Whirligig is what I use. It has looping, and it is the smoothest looping I have ever seen, yet. If looping isn't working correctly with it, it is generally the animation itself. I highly recommend it as it has plenty of amazing features, is regularly updated, and very, very affordable (less than $5 I think).


Why not just do a 30 second option in addition to a 1 minute option? Would this take longer to render?


Very much so, yes. Not only would that be increasing my time spent working, that would increase the amount of storage I I need to use to host the files.


imo 1min is perfect. Looping isn't always easy depending on what you use. To me, looping is a real pain. 1min is nice.


For me, there is no difference between having a 1 minute video vs looping through samsung vr (besides the file size of course). Im perfectly happy with with once through if the animation loops smoothly, especially if its easier to do.


Definitely, single loop is fine. DeoVR is free, y'all. And if you'd be awesome and republish the previous ones at the new length, that would cut down my current collection of 500 MB files tremendously <3


You probably need to keep it a minute long for sites like VRPorn... But I don't mind one time through as it's pretty easy to loop.


1 minute is fine as I use PSVR, so one loop would be a pain, but if you cut it down to 30 seconds that'd be fine too


I think it's good that it's a bit longer as even if you loop it it can turn out a bit jarring in the transition sometimes. I do however think a minutes is a bit long and shaving just a few seconds off it wouldn't hurt. Maybe 30-40 seconds instead would be better. Playing more than once is good but a minute is a bit excessive.


1 min or a bit longer is good.


the 1 minute is good, making it shorter would be really bad because there isn't any app in gearVR that offers self looping feature, meaning that you can't really have fun and fap to anything in just 30 seconds, the videos just close off and you need to pick them again, so 1 minute is good.


I prefer the 1 minute especially for PSVR as i have yet to find a way to loop animations in Littlstar Cinema


I use Whirligig with my Vive and it loops videos pretty smoothly, so longer videos with multiple loops isn't necessary for me. I don't really mind the files sizes either, if anything I'd prefer a single time through with the best possible rendering quality.


the longer the better!


Virtual Desktop has a repeat button. I have a data cap. Please make them smaller. 1 loop is perfect.


Sadly your poll is one-sided... there should been more options there. I like them as 1 minute and sometimes would like them even longer. I have no idea how to make animations loop smoothly and I think many others also not. Unfortunately, none of the vr players I tried had a loop function.


I don't see the poll as one sided, as that's what these very comments are for. To discuss why you don't agree with one of the listed options. I don't just want to change the way I do things. I also want to understand the reasoning behind it. What are you using to view the clips? Vive, Oculus, PSVR, etc. Also, what viewers have you tried?


Thanks for your input! I'm always going to put quality over quantity when it comes to video graphics versus length, respectively. We're definitely on the same page.


i prefer "longer" but for the reason that longer vids might be more than a simple repeating animation loop. and especially fun for me is longer vids that have cum at the end