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Alright, I'm feeling pretty relaxed after the past couple of weeks. Our Baldur's Gate scene that Kaeg put together finally has all it's required sound and voice, and I can put the finishing touches on it this week. So while I'll have the normal amount of WIP's and Previews this week, next week I'll most likely have no WIP as I work on that massive scene, as WELL as working on our next Premium release.

This week we have a couple WIP's. The first is a scene by SFMPOV, starring Mystique, with and without her telltale true form.


Next is a VRAR we've been working on, starring Miss Fortune with two positions, and some actual voice lines:


While I wanted to keep the glowing triangle on her chest, I did have to remove it for the final version, unfortunately. This model had it's fair share of problems that we could fix, but unfortunately this was not one of them.

For our previews of this week's releases we have a scene starring Ellie by Madruga. This was another commissioned conversion:

Our other release is... well, the Miss Fortune scene! I had to rearrange the schedule due to some voice work conflicts on the Baldur's Gate project, and didn't want to make you all wait any longer for a second release:


That's about it for this week.


-Dark Zalivstok  


Cameron Stover

These are cool! I was wondering if you guys would ever work with the creator dezmall. Specifically Aunt Cass hospitality and calming raven (2 of my favorite scenes) of all time lol


HIGHLY looking forward to that Ellie one!