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This week we have quite a few WIP's due to a new major project. The first project was commissioned, and while we're still waiting on sound, is pretty much ready to go. I'm sure some of you are familiar with Jihl of Final Fantasy fame.

The other WIP is a multiparter major project. This has been in my backlog for about a month now, and I realized that if I didn't start it and just knock out all the session, I would never get it done. I don't like long work weeks, but this has been very fun to work on, thanks to Kaeg and my love of BG3.

This project has had it's share of issues, but nothing Kaeg didn't help me work through to get straightened out. I did have one render that I had to redo (2 days lost, bleh), but beyond that it was a pretty smooth process, considering how many models and background items there were to be aware of.

For this week's releases, we're starting off with two that you might've seen from last week's WIP's. An exclusive of Marie Rose by SFMPOV that was commissioned:


Our other release this week is another work by Kaeg and the rest of the Dark Dreams team. As you saw from last weeks teasers:

As usual, a ton of fun and a blessing to have the Dark Dreams team supporting me. We discussed doing something WE wanted to do. I mentioned Stellar Blade was new and exciting. After a little research, this is what we came up with.

Can I just say that mirrors are a real pain the ass to get just right for VR? Every mirror scene I've done I've absolutely adored, but man... getting the angle just right is a real pain for VR.

That wraps it up for this week. We'll be plugging away on some new works, and I'm sure I'll catch you all here and there on the Discord.

As always,


-Dark Zalivstok