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I've never made a music video before, at least not an ACTUAL one (one time when I was a kid I made an AMV to the song Miss New Booty with a gif of a dancing cartoon hippo in a thong and I was very proud of it) But despite my total lack of skill, inspiration struck me out of nowhere and I just had all these weird ideas swirling around in my head for weeks and needed to get them out.
The video is for "Slip" which is one of the songs I worked on with MC earlier this Spring for the Future EP, and it's a song that I felt a very personal connection with.

The song gave me this instantly recognizable--for me at least, feeling of being trapped in a sort of insomnia-induced limbo because of some personal issue you're struggling with, like the loss of a relationship, and how it can feel like you're alone in a surreal place wanting to reach out to anyone. 

I had all these images in my head of just weird, dark colors juxtaposed with lighter things like flowers to make even the most natural things seem like they're foreign, cause when you're up at 3-4 AM it's like you've opened a portal to some upside-down world where everything feels different/unfamiliar in a way that's hard to describe. Then I had this idea for the choruses to have time-lapse footage of cars speeding down the highway cause....It's just one of those songs that reminds me of driving at night! Also it looks cool, and makes it feel like the song is carrying you away. 

Towards the end of the song though, there's like a metaphorical break in the clouds or a sunrise and I wanted that to come across in the visuals with the brighter colors and imagery. It's always a nice feeling when you get through that difficult night and can be in the light of the sun again.

The video went through a lot of edits and changes, especially after I showed Thomas and he gave me some much-needed pointers on improving the look and feel of it as a whole. Obviously I'm a complete amateur, but it was a fun experience to put my feelings about a song into something visual like this and I learned some new things! I'll probably upload it to YT sometime after my Old Town Road cover goes up, but I hope everyone enjoys it or relates to it in some way. 




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