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In 2 days, a new chapter of The Genesis Order will release featuring three new scenes, a new KS page and a new pinup! As night falls, something unexpected happens. Go deeper into the mansion, and uncover new clues.

In addition to the new content, I've finally added new menu sounds. I'm not sure if they will be the final versions, but I look forward to your feedback. Up until now, the menu sounds were the same as Treasure of Nadia. I did leave a couple of sound effects the same for consistencies sake, but hopefully you all like the new sound effects.

I've also been talking to a developer about working on a community editor for TGO puzzles that will allow you to build puzzles that you can play and share. This will be developed by a third party on the side and then implemented into TGO later. It will be just one of several fun mini-games that will add to TGO.

Thank you all for the support! Be on the lookout for the new chapter in a couple days and have a great week!


Larry white

Keep up the good work. Gameplay is actually a breath of fresh air, fun games.

Heskey Bendtner

When is the first sex scene with Arianna coming out? Can't wait she's so hot


Evie was late game in ToN: I would expect the same with TGO. There are also 2 women from the “main cast” that haven’t even been revealed…

Bob Fink

Sounds like another amazing hot update, can't wait!


I'm looking forward to seeing supernatural shade and shadow creeping back into the tale.


I launched TGO this morning and it kept erroring stating I may need to run it as an admin. I ran it as an admin and it said the version I have is newer than the checked files and asked if I wanted to downgrade it. Should I just wait for the new chapter launch in a couple hours? I believe I'm a grandmaster tier, so I should be current.

Fox Boy

The new sound effects are superb! Great choice!


I don't know, I like supporting via Patreon, but this last chapter was 2% of the game. I honestly played less than 30 mins to get all the way through the chapter. I'll give it a couple more releases, but unless there's more content....at least enough for a chub...I'll wait until the game is done and just buy it. At 2 "chapters" a week and 16% now I'll have supported 996 dollars for the game (If 2% a week, 16% now=84/2(bi-weekly)x23=996. I do love your games, I really do, but I'm not rich by any means.

Kim Marius Ernestus

Even though you have a valid point, I want to make a sidenote. Patreon support is not an "early-access" service. We pay for more than "just" the updated build and chance to play before it releases. It's about supporting ALL future projects NLT will work on too. And at least for me, supporting monthly is a way to support the development of these type of games as a genre in the gaming industry. This combination of sexual content and traditional game experience is the future of gaming. As far as small updates go, I would guess is because to run a game studio, you have to have income every month to keep going. And even tho LE and ToN is published, it is not possible for NLT to develop and maintain without investors, and to keep us invested, they have to "give" something at a monthly basis. That means 100% game divided on x amount of months until release. If they give out 4 updates to get full game, they will be out of business before next project is even started. Also people would stop subscribing if it went months and no new builds or games where given.


I agree with tehtogshark. The same thought had already occurred to me so I dropped my membership from Grand Master to Master. Now I play games 1 version back but at less than half the cost. $23/month does not seem worth the updates. As far as supporting anyone along the way its not on my shoulders to support the genre of the gaming industry nor is it on me to help the game along while its in development so everyone else can buy the finished game. Or, did it ever occur to you that perhaps, the small updates were not as much about working on the next chapter in the meantime but that smaller chapters mean more revenue. It might already be done... In any event I do enjoy the game, but I also am not rich and 30 minutes is not worth $23/month.