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A few years ago I set out to try and find a unique path into video game development. I've had a foot in the gaming world for a long time and had some great opportunities in the past to create marketing artwork for many popular titles, but since I was very young I've always wanted to make my own games as a profession. Thanks to the support you all have given me over these last 4 years that dream has been a reality.

And for that I thank you all from the bottom of my heart! 

Two new pinups have been added to the galleries!

Download links...

Pinup Gallery (Casual & Hardcore HD)
Pinup Gallery (Master HD)
Pinup Gallery (Master+ & Grand Master 4k) 

And now it's time for an interesting personal story. You all may have noticed that the last update was released on January 14th. I did that so I could take a day off on January 15th, the first full day break since last May (Getting ToN to start the moment Lust Epidemic left off was no easy task).

Well, I'll have you know that I had a great day off! But then I got the flu and went to the hospital for a day. So technically, I'm 1.5 days behind schedule for the February 1st update. I have no doubt that I'll make up the time, so no change of plans, the next update will still be Feb 1st. But oh boy will it be a fun couple weeks!

Sorry for any delays in communication these last few days, and thank you all for the support! Don't worry, the render machines are cooking some fun scenes as I post.


Michael Villicanabedolla

Nah man we good, take of you! We all enjoy your work so just do you and we'll keep on supporting!


take you time, game are perfect ;) qualety are better then quantity ;)


Feel better soon. Don't make yourself more ill by pushing yourself too hard.


Dude no need to burn out, take ur time to rest


Nice to hear! It is better to know you are doing great and having fun than having the update on time ;-) As always, thanks for the great work


Nah don't apologize for life brother. Get well and we all can relate

Naughty James

Congrats and your work is worth it since I still love a good RGP Maker game but you and couple of others really make a good game story with the good animations to the game story

Kriz Man1

get well soon..... continue the good work when u recover.... so far so good with awesome job from the team.... :)

Larile Millvet

"the first full day break since last May", NLT seriously don't wait so long to take your next break. Been there, done that.

Laird Ruari

I came down with the flu just before New Years and it's still in my upper lungs kicking my ass. Get well and take care.


Health comes before any game! no body will hold you down if you wanted a few days to yourself. Stay strong and drink a lot of ginger tea with honey!


Good work man!


Your health is definitely more important than the game, focus on getting better. Thanks for the great content so far and take some breaks, you've earned them!


Agreed. If you push yourself to hard you'll be worse off and it will cause bigger delays.

JC Denton

Found Lustful Epidemic on Steam and enjoyed it thoroughly. It's my first adult game on Steam ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Glad I dug deeper to find a Patreon here and was ecstatic to see a follow-up to Lustful Epidemic. I did not hesitate to pledge the highest tier! Amazing job to all involved, and keep up the good work and health :)


Welcome to the club! There's a discord too if'n you like.


I have to admit your games always make me say DAMN! Every update version. lol

Timothy Simons

You're so talented at your art, keep at it! Happily supporting!

Jose Santos

I ask the soul crystal for a hint and she responds with my future is cloudy, go outside so my super powers work better.....not sure what to do...Thanks!


You've reached the end of the update. More content will be available on Feb 1st

Anthony Docimo

all the best to you, and major kudos for trying such a demanding schedule