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Weekly Discussion

  • I would participate in an anonymous form. I can tell you how I REALLY feel about you! 50
  • I like the idea, but feedback surveys aren't my thing. I never participate in online polls! 13
  • I'm not a fan of that idea. What if trolls request _______? You're not going to do _______ are you? 6
  • 2018-07-30
  • 69 votes
{'title': 'Weekly Discussion', 'choices': [{'text': 'I would participate in an anonymous form. I can tell you how I REALLY feel about you!', 'votes': 50}, {'text': "I like the idea, but feedback surveys aren't my thing. I never participate in online polls!", 'votes': 13}, {'text': "I'm not a fan of that idea. What if trolls request _______? You're not going to do _______ are you?", 'votes': 6}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2018, 7, 30, 4, 49, 34, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 69}


Today was a busy day for me. I released the first version of Lust Epidemic and had to play it every possible way I could think of to make sure it never bugged out.

I'm planning on releasing 2 updates per month but it could be more or fewer depending on the update. I'll get a better idea of how things will go once I release the next two updates in August, but everything is being planned out to update it with more content at a faster rate than with My Summer or Visiting Sara. 

I've also made process improvements with my pinup work. Pricia was my personal favorite piece, although that could just be recency bias. However, I completed her image in half the time as Debra's, which is important if this will ever turn into a comic style. It's a delicate juggle to make sure my time is spent as efficiently as possible on multiple projects but I'll keep working toward higher quality!

Last week's poll about Lust Epidemics dialog style was super even with the majority preferring a mix. As I continue to move the story forward I was thinking about setting up an anonymous form so people can give their feedback. What do you think?


El Rabano

Finished the first chapter today. This is the first time I've played any of your games and I must say that you have done an excellent job! The level of challenge that the game presents is well balanced and the occasional hints are enough that you don't have to depend on them to get through the game. Finally, the animation during the naughtier parts is very well done. My only suggestions would be that it'd be nice if there would be any voices/moans from the women during the naughtier scenes. Other than that, I look forward to the next update. Thanks!


Thanks! Glad you're enjoying it. I actually did want to do the moans but ran out of time for this release. The next one I'll add in moans. Thanks for the feedback!


Finally played it to the end. So far looks great. I've just got a question about 'heart' events and containers. Were there any such events this update and what is the trigger for getting hearts from the bonus area? I've got hearts with Amber and Catherine, but the bonus heart is for Amanda. Also, can you get a heart with Valerie this time, or it's not possible for now?


Finished it the day of release and I must say it looks and plays great! While I understand the naughty parts were just a sort of teaser, they were well executed. Can't wait to continue (although I just may wait until final release and play all of it at once)! ^^