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Symphony of the Serpent is coming together! Only a couple more systems need to be implemented before the engine is officially completed. All the scenes for chapter 1 have been animated and rendered.... wait... Let's back up a second. I have a huge announcement! All of the completed scenes for SotS are now being punched up by a new animator! Who is this animator you might ask? A Disney animator! That's not a joke. To meet the quality demands of this new game I've determined that the character acting and lip sync needs some high-end, professional touches. There's just enough time left to redo the animation for a good chunk of the scenes. But don't worry, the army of 4090's will make short work of the re-renders.

Low quality mode in SotS will be different than in TGO. No more low quality movie files. We've moved on, and now Symphony will only offer the full-quality graphics during video playback. However, we've added a ton of new effects to enhance the look. You can turn these effects off in the options to restore the game to the TGO look and performance if you wish (or need to). 

Another huge upgrade is the autosave system. No more will the oracle lady tell you to save your game, it happens automatically. However there is still the option to save your game if you wish and now it will show you a picture of the location where you saved your game making it easier to identify which file is which.

We're getting closer to the launch month of July! Stay tuned for more teases and updates as we get closer!

Thank you everyone for the support and have a fantastic week!


Scout Master

my birthday is in July, I would love to try it by then :)


Has anyone on Mac had an issue where the app runs, but no window pops up? Other apps I've downloaded run fine, which makes me think there's some issue with NWJS on my machine, but I do not know enough to figure this out.