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Hey guys, hope everyone is doing good! Wanted to give a general update a bring up a thing or two. I’m still working on everyone’s reward, I had a bad flu that relapsed a few times and I’ve been coughing my lungs out for a few weeks now. Been a bit hard to get back on the swing of things, didn’t help that it hit me at the end of the indivisible assignment so I was already very tired. I know you guys don’t mind waiting, and I thank you all for your patience but still feel like I gotta contribute with work for all the support you guys give me ;-;

Now for the thing I wanted to bring up, I’ve had this 40 page comic, featuring Mika and a few other characters, that I’ve been wanting to do for a year now, have had the entire thing drafted in thumbnails and it’s just a matter of putting work into coloring and paneling. Unfortunately it’s pretty tough to do on my own. Working the rewards and the occasional assignment from lab zero make it even trickier since it wouldn’t leave me with much time to draw for myself, so I was thinking about implementing something as part of the current tiers, namely the option that you could direct your reward to encourage me to work more on this personal project, something like “for my reward this month I want you to work on your comic!”, and for doing so you’d get a look at the finished pages I finish then before anyone else. You’re still in all your right to ask for the usual drawing a month reward, it would just be something for when you can’t really think of what to ask, or if your feeling generous and want to lessen my workload , or if you have any interest in seeing what I do with my OCs.

Let me know what you think! 


Dark Side

Yes. Do it, you big cream puff. :3


So if we want to redirect our request, do you want us to message you essentially?