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Hey there, new month! As you might all know my patreon is "on-pause" for this month so I can catch up to owe rewards and other work, so hopefully none of you got charged. I want to ask anyone who didn't send any request on september to send them asap (already aware some people did, don't worry). Hopefully by the end of this month I'll be all caught up with everything.

I'll try to make some halloween stuff too to make it more festive, also still gonna work on that Mei pic from last month's poll.

That's all for now, thanks for your support and have a nice month!



Will you still be doing work streams?

Ben Fleuter

Do you have a paypal or Ko-fi? I, and maybe others, would be happy to lend support even on a month you're not giving out rewards at all.

Dark Side

Seconding this. In the event money is available, I wouldn't mind throwing some your way.