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Hey, everyone.

I've been a little quiet the last couple weeks, and wanted to give an update on where I am, what's in my brain. Long story short, I got some pretty negative feedback on Model Citizen from a tone and storytelling perspective, and it's thrown me a bit. Combine that with the length of time it's taken to get this far, and not even a single issue's done, that's pretty discouraging.

So, my thought right now is to reevaluate the pace at which I tell her story, and ideally create a situation where you, who support me, can have some input. In the mean time, I'm going to do some single images that focus on building out her world and her rogues' gallery a bit. 

Thanks for your patience while I figure this out. I love Model Citizen as a character and want her to have fun, engaging stories and also be inappropriate for minors. Please leave a comment, tell me how you feel about it! 



Aw, that's disappointing. I was liking where it was going, and I totally understand how it feels to get negative feedback on something you've put a lot of time into already.


seconding this; I get not having something live up to what you had in your head. But I also am looking forward to Model Citizen's future "adventures"


I’m not sure what issue they took with direction or tone but I’m with the others that I was looking forward to what came next. Slight pun intended.