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Apologies for the radio silence and thanks for all your support its massively appreciated. - January is always hectic trying to sort stuff for the new year

So here's a very little gift - just a bit of fun for those chilly February evenings if you fancy playing around with some samples.

When I tried to demon the New Force Axe with my hardware I found it was rather knackered.  It needed the filter rebuilding, as well as capacitors and keyboard bushes replacing, plus an op amp and th S&H... 

.. last time I used it a few months back it was working fine. Urgh.. vintage synths.

Anyway its back from Sound Service nr Leeds and its singing like a 40 year old synth again 

I've does a bit of sampling:

1.  some analog drums - its not the most complex of synths so its more about the raw tone than interweaving modulations.

2. The raw waveforms for a long period - these are easily useable as a single sample across the width of a keyboard for a few octaves at least - I think they're around 20 second long. So they're great for adding some analog edginess (jitter and stuff!).

3. A few chromatically samples bass tones - all starting on a C - for between 2 and 4 octaves depending on how the tone was sounding. In Logic it's simple enough to drag these onto a track then create a multisample instrument and drag them into that. It then spreads them across the keys. Perhaps its that imple to do on other DAWS.



Ah nice, been enjoying the G-Force Axxess, it morphs over time so good! Going to be interesting to hear these hardware samples now; mebbe layer'em'up together.