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Although it's not possible at the moment to load patches individually - well there is a way apparently but it will only load individual patches into the first location so you have to load them one at a a time and copy and paste to a new location each time which is far too cumbersome.

The only feasible way is to save everything then load everything which wipes all your presets - which is why I've not 'formally' released this as a patch bank on my website yet. I'm hoping a decent editor will arrive, or a firmware update that actually lets you export patches!

But if you want to have a go at loading this Sysex, you'll have a replica of my Pro-800  - all the factory Bank A plus my Bank B. with Bank C&D being empty.

I can't verify how well this will work.. so use at your own risk! Sysex librarian shows it has 398 #msgs and is 43.3kB - I tried exporting 3 times and it did the same thing on every attempt so Im assuming it will import OK.  

I'd suggest backing yours up first with an 'export all' ... which is how I created this.


Main Link to everything:




Jeremy Bernstein

Not sure if this is interesting to you, but I made a javascript (node.js) tool to fix up Pro-800 sysex files. Basically it lets you renumber them, skipping over a bunch at the beginning if you want, and writing only some number of patches, starting at a new location. So you could turn this export into a 100-patch export which only touches Bank B (or C or D or whatever). Drop me a PM if you want a link.