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This weekends homework! I thought I'd make a run-through of the Prophet 600 - it is after all a sequential VCO that's relatively inexpensive compared to others. This will be the intro/outro track.. to show how it sounds in a finished mix.

I picked this up for £1200 a couple of months ago, mainly to compare to the Behringer version when it eventually appears, but also to try to demo it against the PolySix and 106 ... which is the best for your money in 2022?? (2022 already aaaargh!!)

I definitely don't need all three... and actually don't need any as I've got a system 8 for the 106.  So they come and go and your support really helps here, very much appreciated.  Without you I couldn't possibly afford to buy and sell so many.  Ebay fees, Paypal and postage are all a killer!! :0

So I try to get the most out of each of them before moving them on.  

I actually finished the track with this one... but here's a little secret.  ... U wrote the track using Repro 5 then remade the 7 patches on the 600.

Theres a couple of basses, arpeggio, main theme, a rave lead, hidden brass patch (yes brass... I know I have it, but it gave a bit of a James Bond, Thunderball vibe) and an electro tom.

If only I'd written down where I saved them.


Prophet 600 lil' demo track

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Nemanja Živić

Wouldn’t it make more sense to get 8 voice REV2 for that price? Also, I am not seeing 106 that much. Udo 6 is definitely closest thing to Roland line.

Starsky Carr

That may well be my conclusion! So many decent synths now… and there’s the Take 5 if you want VCO.