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Here's something else that's just arrived on loan.

I'm gong to be putting it up against the S6 on Thursday. Not as a 'battle' but more listening to the overall tone.

The Super 6 is going back on Friday.. only on loan as well I'm afraid - but cheeper than buying/selling everything.  

So if you've any questions you think might be interesting to include in the demo let me know. I thought I;d just sort with the basics and create a couple of standard tones. They're so different and my overall impression so far is that the PolyBrute is a great centrepiece - very flexible with lots of editing, an app, but still VCO.  The S6 is more stylistic.. like an old school synth but with modern innards. 

Weird that the old school voicing has the more modern features. Of you've some polys already the S6 might be an interesting choice. But if it's going to b your main workhorse the Arturia might be more suitable.



Blake Croson

I would love a sound comparison against a P6 and/or Juno. Couple pads, couple arpeggio/sequence plucky type things, nothing hugely in depth, but just to capture the character in comparison.