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I spent last week pumping out a few CTV videos for March and April plus a couple of YouTube vids for the MonoPoly, and I've prepped a Prophet 5 shootout and a demo of the new GForce OBE...

Really quite pleased with myself for knuckling down and getting it all done.

... but just discovered last night, after quite a few comments on the MonoPoly video, that everything's been rendered in really low res 480p.  I have to use an external SSD drive as the MacBook HDs are so small (which using the USB-C connectors often fall out and crash everything!).. So once things are complete I store everything on another HD and delete from the SSD..

So now I have to relink all the files, re-render and re-upload everything, meanwhile I'm leaving the 480p as the main YouTube videos as I don't want to delete all the comments.

As I try to do this, Final Cut has confused some of the audio files, so some are missing!! OMG aaarrgh...!

The guys at CTV have told me final Cut often changes settings with updates - so I've been bamboozled by auto updates.  Another day of faffing around now. How annoying.



Oh boy, that’s unfortunate. I actually noticed it was not in HD, but since I watched it on the iPhone and was in a place with bad signal, I assumed it was my problem, not the video. Sorry!

Starsky Carr

I’ve just uploaded a new version it’s a shame to effectively delete what everyone has said in the comments, but 480 just looks so bad - especially when I recorded in 4K!!