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A very quick look at the set-up before I start recording for the Clubbing TV demos.  They're done on the dining room in the kitchen, which has tonnes of flat surfaces and reverb.. so I have to put up thick blankets to dampen the sound.

I also have to try to stop the light coming in through the glazing as different shots can look completely weird from take to take as the sun comes in and out.. I even had to buy electronic blinds for the roof lights!  When I originally agreed to do these it was January and the sun never came high enough to be an issue... of course now.. the sun is high and bright!! I originally attempted to record a few but the sun was highlighting different aspects of the rooms at different times of the day. I ended up on the roof trying to weigh towels over the roof lights, which of course didn't work!!  So ended up spending synth cash on blinds :)


Recording setup for 'Do It Like KinK' demo

A very quick look 'behind the scenes' of how I set up the room for the TV camera demos.



It's all for the art!


looks like its gonna be an epic episode :)