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In going with Panchy (because milf) and Angewomon because after playing digimon cybersleuth for 165 hours how could I not?

Mecha Cake

Misato plz win


Curious, but why is Angewomon categorized in anime when she debuted in a video game? It's like categorizing Pokemon characters as anime characters cause yeah technically they appear in an anime too but they're more accurately game characters.


The one who pick the character can choose in wich category will participate, if the character has an anime and videogame appearance.


Maybe I can apply to your question. Angelwomon you know isn't exists in digimon game because only digimon animation allows lines and faces to make beautiful 2D picture. There is only dot. Yes, very dirty dots in very very small resolution. You maybe even can't recognize her I promise. That is why Angelwomon should be in anime category.


I,ve seen a lot of angewomons but a just a few Misatos, most of them were not to good.


Im more of a ritsuko fan but I'm rooting for misato

Mecha Cake

This result is gonna make my millennium.


As a 5$ subscriber how do I unlock the Faye card?