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This is a message to let everyone know I've moved to a "charge upfront" model. The option hadn't been available to me until just recently, so I've enabled it permanently. There has been an increase of fraudulent accounts subscribing, as well as individuals pledging support, scraping content, then deleting their pledge. I don't think that's fair to you guys, and it's not fair to me either.

This shouldn't affect any current patrons, only new subscribers.

Thanks, let me know what you think!



I fully support this, hate when people ruin a good thing by stealing.


Understandable it happened to another artist name xnirox


I'm a previous Patron & a future one. So I'm cool.


I hate these smart-ass! You can count on me.


Every artist I know that can use this feature does, for that reason. I fully support this model, and it's the right model to use. Good change.


Sounds good to me! Pretty sure DarkMirage does the same thing for the same reason


Good on you Zaush! Don't let those losers get away with it! (or at least make a little cash off it anyway lol xD ) I fully support this idea. :)


I'm honestly surprised that the "pay the first instance immediately" isn't the default model. I hear about creators getting screwed all the time.


Yeah it sucks to see artists get ripped off, I say go for it


not a problem, makes more sense to pay upfront instead of risking people duck out.


Yeah that's always an issue with patron people sub so they can rip content then leave. But then again i think it's also people who don't have the money but reallllly really want to see your content but since it's behind a Paywall to see your content. They don't want to wait months for it to be free they sub look then just leave. But of course then there the ones who just sub rip your content post it to u18chan and e621 making it available to everyone just cause they can habe that 1 day feeling of glory they where robin hood and brought Porn to the masses.


I say that's the right call. People shouldn't be ripping both you and me off because they're freeloaders.

Crash Azarel

Seems like something very flawed that Patreon would make this possible x_x wow.


Matlik, seeing as you didn't make anything here, nobody is ripping you off. I did try to sub and unsub as I'm unfamiliar with patreon, if I got charged a dollar I wouldn't care either way, I'll sub when I get my card sorted out. Patreon is also a bit tricky for me, cause I tend to be picky, but a buck a month for HD files really isn't much.


Oh and I'm totally fine with the decision, I was surprised that Patreon even allows this. But honestly piracy is part of the internet, in the end you should do it to support the artist.


I dont see any reason this WOULDNT be the default.

Goth Skunk

I think it's a sensible and smart idea. Good on you for adopting it.


That's fine, it's wrong folks do shady shit like that!


To be honest zaush love your work just haven't had money to pledge yet glad to see you haven't disappeared!!!!