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Figured I'd start the top preview tier off by introducing one of my favorite characters in an upcoming comic I'm working on called "Closer". He's an otter named Andy, and is best friends with the main character Jayden.

If you can't tell, this comic is set in the 80s, and will touch on the very earliest appearance of the bottomless district even though most of the pages are set in the main city. Most of the settings revolve around corporate brokering, and for that task the main character has a special way of handling his boss's clients...

I'll be introducing more of the characters over the comic weeks, enjoy!




Because otters! <3 Well done, Z. Love his expressions too.


I like Andy's sense of color and he sounds like a fun character from the description. I wonder if his friend Jayden is the kind of corporate type that makes ' fast and loose' friends because of the clients he receives, or if Andy is the overall exception to the run in the kind of friends he makes.


It's more that Andy is someone he's been buddies with since childhood, and circumstances of his work make their rooming situation convenient


You know, if you asked me I wouldn't have been able to definitely say if that's a male or female x3. Seems like a chill dude, judging by that gameboy.


Pretty cool ! I love the facial expressions and also the bluish rainbow highlights. And it's an otter !! <3 <3 <3 Looking forward to what the comic will bring.


He's a little cutie :3