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Quick render, blocking out the layout of the locker/shower area, lots of work to do making this into a convincing set including the football player cubbies and doing proper texturing, lockers, etc. Here's hoping I can reuse this set for more than one image *winkwink*!




Is this where they football?


this looks really good


Should look a lot nicer once I get more than cubes in there and properly create the environment!


Maybe see this scenery again with that horse and Kelly from off the clock, I love those two! :3


Do you have any intention of experimenting with 3D characters as well? I believe I saw you post one once, but I never saw anything really done with it. It looked really good at the time. I was just curious if you decided to stick to illustration or if you have fiddled more with characters in that medium as well.


Good question! Characters are a pretty big investment of work, and usually creating hem comes with the task of rigging any animating them, so I've not done much of that recently. If I can think of a really good use for some 3d characters I'll definitely try it out.


Are you hinting at Novembers bribe!!!!!!! Omggfjdjd *NudgeNudge*!


No, but people do seem to love these shower room pics


Always love locker room/shower room stuff... Way too much. XD